ODIHR Legal Reviews, Assessments
Variety of useful resources and tools prepared by ODIHR to support legal reform in OSCE participating States. It includes legal reviews of draft and exisiting national legislation and assessments of legislative process.
The present Opinion on the Draft Law on the Status, Conduct and Ethics of the Members of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (Draft Law) follows the publication of an earlier Opinion in March 2024 that was specifically focusing on the conduct and ethics of parliamentarians. The present opinion analyses the other provisions of the Draft Law that have not been subject to the March 2024 review, in particular, those addressing the status and mandate of Members of Parliament (MPs), parliamentary immunity, their rights and obligations and incompatibilities. MPs generally enjoy a special status with certain advantages and responsibilities designed to safeguard the free exercise of their mandate and protect them against pressures that may undermine their independence. The Draft Law provides a comprehensive framework of guarantees necessary for elected representatives to exercise their mandates freely and independently. At the same time, the Draft Law would benefit from some revisions and additions. First, the provisions pertaining to the termination or removal of the mandate should be further elaborated to avoid misuse or politicization of the process. The system of parliamentary immunities should be fine-tuned to ensure a proper balance between safeguarding the effective democratic functions of parliament or the rights of any member MP or group of MPs and not fostering a culture of impunity. In particular, the Draft Law should be supplemented to provide for clear and objective criteria for lifting parliamentary immunity, while ensuring that the procedure is open, transparent and impartial. Finally, the Draft Law should seek to better address gender equality and diversity aspects in the status and working conditions of MPs.
The Opinion underlines that any process of external evaluation or vetting of serving judges should be used only as a wholly exceptional, one-time, temporary measure, and should be duly justified and proportionate to the specific systemic challenges in the country, and should only be used if the existing ordinary mechanisms and procedures of judicial accountability have proven to be completely ineffective, inadequate and/or malfunctioning. This Opinion is prepared with a view to complement the findings and recommendations from the ongoing ODIHR monitoring of the process of evaluating the incumbent SCJ judges. It aims at identifying the aspects of the Law that could benefit from improvement to limit, to the extent possible, the negative impact that this or a similar evaluation or vetting procedure may have and to ensure respect for rule of law principles. The Opinion notes that the Law contains a number of safeguards seeking to ensure the independence and impartiality of the currently operational Evaluation Commission, such as protection against external influence, functional immunity, ineligibility criteria as well as high remuneration of commission members and separate budget for the Commission. At the same time, the Opinion identifies some shortcomings in the Law, for instance with respect to the selection/appointment procedures for the Evaluation Commission members as well as the criteria and rules for evaluating the evidence and for information collection.
Adopted on 26 April 2024, the Law on the Partial Implementation of the Postal Vote introduces postal voting for Moldovan citizens residing abroad as an additional voting channel in presidential elections and referenda. For the next presidential election and national referendum scheduled for 20 October 2024, the postal voting will apply to six designated countries and its implementation assessed ex post facto to determine whether to adopt out-of-country postal voting on a wider-scale and on a permanent basis. According to its drafters, the Law responds to a need to facilitate voting for citizens abroad, given a sizeable diaspora which actively participates in elections and barriers faced in past elections, including long travel to reach polling stations abroad and long queues and long waiting times. Parliament intends to amend the Electoral Code to include postal voting, pending the successful partial implementation.
While enjoying considerable public support, the Law did not receive support from the opposition who assert political motivation due to its implementation only in certain countries and the binding nature of the implementation in its first-time use. Some civil society actors question the Law’s late and limited rollout and call for universal access to postal voting abroad. Opposition parties and civil society alike criticize the limited and rushed consultations in the legislative-drafting process, also noting a lack of transparency at various stages of the drafting process. In the context of the adoption of a new Electoral Code in December 2022, the stability of the electoral legislation has been challenged with the introduction of postal voting shortly thereafter, and just half a year before a national election.
Sumar: Prezentul document conține Comentariile preliminare cu referire la Proiectul de lege privind integrarea străinilor în Republica Moldova în conformitate cu standardele internaționale ale obligațiilor în domeniul respectării drepturilor omului și angajamentele asumate față de OSCE. Proiectul de lege face referire la un spectru vast de probleme de integrare, având ca scop crearea unui echilibru în delimitarea drepturilor și obligațiilor migranților, precum și extrapolarea acestora la obligațiile corespunzătoare ale statului. Unele aspecte ce se conțin în Proiectul de lege reflectă bunele practici ale drepturilor omului în domeniul integrării, în conformitate cu obligațiile internaționale și angajamentele asumate față de OSCE; totuși sunt necesare anumite ajustări sau îmbunătățiri. Acele cinci recomandări cheie precum și recomandările adiționale, incluse în prezentele Comentarii, au drept scop sporirea în continuare a ajustării cadrului normativ privind integrarea străinilor la angajamentele asumate față de OSCE, precum și la alte standarde și obligații internaționale în domeniul protecției drepturilor omului.
Summary: These Preliminary Comments focus on the Draft Law on Integration of Foreigners in the Republic of Moldova to assess its compliance with international human rights obligations and OSCE commitments. This Draft law covers a wide range of integration issues, which aim to strike a balance between outlining migrants’ responsibilities and rights, and corresponding State obligations. Some aspects of the Draft Law represent good human rights practice on integration, in compliance with International obligations and OSCE commitments, however some require further clarification or improvement. Five key and a number of additional recommendations, which are included in these Comments, are aimed at further improving the compliance of the legal framework governing the integration of foreigners with OSCE commitments, and other international human rights obligations and standards.
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Variety of useful resources and tools prepared by ODIHR to support legal reform in OSCE participating States. It includes legal reviews of draft and exisiting national legislation and assessments of legislative process.
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Criminal codes
National legislative acts on a range of human dimension issues. It offers access to full-text documents, as well as summaries of and excerpts from national constitutions, primary and secondary legislation and case-law from across the OSCE region.
Primary and Secondary
National legislative acts on a range of human dimension issues. It offers access to full-text documents, as well as summaries of and excerpts from national constitutions, primary and secondary legislation and case-law from across the OSCE region.
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International standards
National legislative acts on a range of human dimension issues. It offers access to full-text documents, as well as summaries of and excerpts from national constitutions, primary and secondary legislation and case-law from across the OSCE region.
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Case law subline. Status of Ratification of the Main International Human Rights Treaties, Conventions and other instruments. International Case-law for selected topics.
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