Constitution of Ukraine (1996, as amended 2016) (excerpts related to Fair Trial (Right to a)) (English)




Article 129
While administering justice, a judge is independent and governed by the rule of
The main principles of justice are:
1) equality of all participants in a trial before the law and the court;
2) ensuring the guilt to be proved;
3) adversarial procedure and freedom of the parties to present their evidence to the
court and to prove the weight of evidence before the court;
4) exercising public prosecution by the prosecutor in court;
5) ensuring to an accused the right to defence;
6) openness of a trial and its complete recording by technical means;
7) reasonable time of case consideration by a court;
8) ensuring the right to appeal and, in cases prescribed by law, the right to
cassation of court decision;
9) the legally binding nature of a court decision.
Other principles of justice can be determined by law.
Justice is administered by a single judge, by a panel of judges, or by jurors.
Persons found guilty of contempt of court or against a judge shall be held legally


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