Criminal Code of Romania (2009, as amended 2014) (excerpts related to Hate Crime Laws) (English)

(unofficial translation)

Criminal Code – Law No. 289/2009 (entry into force 1 February 2014)


Art. 77 – Aggravating Circumstances
h) the offense was committed for reasons related to race, nationality ethnicity, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political opinion or allegiance, wealth, social origin, age, disability, chronic non-contagious disease or HIV/AIDS infection, or for other reasons of the same type, considered by the offender to cause the inferiority of an individual from other individuals.


G.E.O. No. 31/2002 prohibiting the organizations with fascist, racist and xenophobic character and the glorification of those found guilty of crimes against peace and humanity
art. 6/1 - threatening by means of IT system

(1) Using a computer system to threaten a person or a group of persons with committing an offence whose maximum penalty provided by law is at least 5-year imprisonment, on grounds of race, colour, race, descent, national or ethnic origin or on grounds of religion, if used as pretext for any of the abovementioned grounds, shall be criminalized and punished by imprisonment from one to 3 years.
(2) Criminal proceedings shall be instituted upon preliminary complaint lodged by the injured party.

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