Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1994, as amended 2001) (excerpts related to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly) (English)



September 22, 1994


Article 159. Attempts to Constitutional Order of Republic of Uzbekistan

Public statements to unconstitutional change of the existing state order, assumption of power, or removal of legally elected or appointed authorities from power, or to unconstitutional impairment of integrity of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as dissemination of materials containing such statements –

shall be punished with fine up to two hundred minimum monthly wages, or imprisonment up to five years.

(As amended by Law of 29.08.2001.)

Violent acts aimed at impediment to legal activity of constitutional bodies or replacement thereof with parallel authorities, not envisaged by the Constitution, as well as failure to execute the decisions to dismiss the authorities established in non-compliance with the procedures envisaged by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, taken by the duly authorized state bodies –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or imprisonment from three to five years.

The acts punishable under Paragraphs 1 or 2 of this Article committed:

а) repeatedly or by a dangerous recidivist;

b) by an organized group or in its interests –

shall be punished with imprisonment from five to ten years.

A conspiracy with the purpose of assumption of power or overthrowing of the constitutional order of the Republic of Uzbekistan –

shall be punished with imprisonment from ten to twenty years.

(As amended by Law of 29.08.2001.)

A person who informed voluntarily the national authorities about a conspiracy, resulted in the prevention of the conspiracy through respective measures, shall be released from penalty.


Article 2162. Violation of Legislation on Religious Organizations

Performance of illegal religious activity, evasion from the registration of an organization’s chart by leaders of religious organizations, and conducting special meetings for juveniles, labor circles, and other circles and groups, unrelated to worship, by religious leaders and members of religious organizations, after infliction of administrative penalty for the same acts –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or arrest up to six, or imprisonment up to three years.

Conversion of believers belonging to certain religion to other religions (proselytism) and other missionary activities, after infliction of administrative penalty for the same actions –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to three years.

(As introduced by Law of 1.05.1998.)

Article 217. Violation of Procedures for Organizing, Holding of Assemblies, Meetings, or Demonstrations

Violation of procedures for organizing or holding of assemblies, meetings, or demonstrations, committed by their organizer, after infliction of administrative penalty for the same actions –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to seventy-five minimum monthly wages, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to three years.

Violation of regulations on holding religious assemblies, processions, and other cultic ceremonies, after infliction of administrative penalty for the same actions –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to seventy-five minimum monthly wages, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to three years.

(As amended by Law of 1.05.1998.)

Article 218. Direction of Illegal Strike or Impediment to Operation of Enterprise, Institution, or Organization in Emergency State

Direction of illegal strike as well as impediment to operation of enterprise, institution, or organization in emergency state –

shall be punished with fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to five years.


Article 244. Riots

Organization of riots accompanied with personal violence, pogroms, arsons, damage and destruction of property, resistance to a representative of authority with use of or threat to use arms or other objects as arms, as well as active participation in riots –

shall be punished with imprisonment from ten to fifteen years.

(As amended by the Law of 29.08.2001)


Article 277. Hooliganism

Hooliganism, that is intentional disregard to the rules of conduct in society, accompanied with battery, infliction of trivial bodily injuries or destruction or damaging or another’s property, that has caused significant damage –

shall be punished with a fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to three years, or arrest up to six months.


  1. that has resulted in infliction of a medium bodily injury;
  2. that has been committed by a group of individuals;
  3. accompanied with demonstration, threat to use or use of cold arms or objects, use of which objectively may cause damage to health;
  4. that is by its content exceptionally cynical, which is expressed in demonstrative disrespect to common morals;
  5. accompanied with flouting on a child, aged, disabled or a person, who is in helpless condition;
  6. accompanied with intentional destruction or damaging or another’s property, that has caused large damage –

shall be punished with imprisonment up to three years.


  1. that has been committed repeatedly or by a dangerous recidivist;
  2. accompanied with demonstration, threat to use or use of firearms;
  3. that has been committed during a public event;
  4. accompanied with resistance to a representative of authorities or of public, who performs functions on keeping public order, or to other individuals, who suppress ruffian conduct –

shall be punished with imprisonment from three to five years.

(Paragraphs 2 and 3 are as amended by the Law of 29.08.2001)

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