Federal Law No.82-FZ of the Russian Federation on Public Associations (1995, as amended 2004) (English)


NO. 82-FZ OF MAY 19, 1995


(with the Amendments and Additions of May 17, 1997, July 19, 1998,

March 12, 21, July 25, 2002, December 8, 2003, June 29, November 2, 2004)

Adopted by the State Duma on April 14, 1995

Chapter I. General Provisions

Article 1. The Subject-matter Regulated by This Federal Law

The subject-matter of the regulation of this Federal law is the social relations arising in connection with the realization by individuals of the right to association, with the creation, functioning, reorganization and/or liquidation of public associations. Foreign national and stateless persons shall have equal rights with the citizens of the Russian Federation in the sphere of relations, regulated by this Federal Law, except for the cases established by federal laws or international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. The Sphere operation of This Federal Law

The present Federal law shall extend to all the public associations set up on the initiative of individuals with the exception of religious organizations, and also commercial organizations and non-property unions (associations) set up by them.

The present Federal Law shall also extend to the activity of the structural subdivisions, set up on the territory of the Russian Federation - the organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices - and foreign non-profit non-governmental associations.

Article 3. The Content of the Right of the Individuals to Association

The right of the individuals to association includes the right to set up public associations on a voluntary basis for the protection of common interests and the achievement of common goals, the right to join the existing public associations or to refrain from joining them, and also the right to leave public associations without hindrance.

The creation of public associations promotes the realization of the rights and lawful interests of individuals.

Private persons shall have the right to set up public associations at their option without the preliminary permission of the organs of state power and the local self-government bodies, and also the right to join such public associations with the observance of the rules of their charters.

Public associations set up be individuals may get registered in the order prescribed by this Federal Law and acquire the rights of a legal entity or function without state registration and the acquisition of the rights of a legal entity.

Article 4. Laws on Public Associations

The content of the citizens' right to association, the basic state guarantees of this right, the status of public associations, the procedure for their creation, the order of their activity, reorganization and/or liquidation shall be regulated by this Federal Law, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and by other laws on particular public associations.

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 amended part 2 of Article 4 of this Federal Law

The specific aspects of the creation, functioning, reorganization and/or liquidation of particular public associations, trade unions, charitable and other public associations - may be regulated by special laws to be adopted in keeping with the present Federal Law. Pending the adoption of special laws the activity of public associations, and also that of public associations which is not regulated by special laws, shall be regulated by this Federal Law.

Article 5. The public association shall be understood to mean a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation, set up at the initiative of individuals who have united on the basis of the community of interests to realize common goals, indicated in the charter of the public association (hereinafter referred to as statutory goals).

The right of individuals to set up public associations shall be realized directly by uniting natural persons and through juridical persons represented by public associations.

Article 6. The Founders, Members, and Participants of the Public Association

Public associations shall be founded by natural persons and juridical persons who have convened a congress (conference) or a general meeting for the adoption of the charter of the public association and the formation of its governing and control or auditing bodies. The founders of the public association - natural and juridical persons - shall have equal rights and bear equal duties.

The members of the public association shall be represented by natural persons and juridical persons, that is, public associations whose interest in the joint solution of the tasks of the given association in compliance with the rules of its charter shall be completed by relevant individual applications or documents that make it possible to take into account the number of the members of the public association for the purpose of ensuring their equality as members of the given association. The members of the public association - natural and juridical persons - shall have equal rights and bear equal duties.

The members of public associations, shall have the right to elect and to be elected to the governing, control and auditing bodies of the given association, and also to control the activity of the governing bodies of the public association in compliance with its charter.

The members of the public association shall enjoy rights and bear duties in keeping with the requirements of the norms of its charter and in case of failure to observe the said requirements may be expelled from the public association in the procedure indicated in the charter.

The participants of the public association shall be represented by natural persons and juridical persons, that is, public associations which have given support for the goals of the given association and/or its concrete actions and which take part in its activity without the obligatory completion of the terms of its participation, unless otherwise provided for by the charter. The participants in the public association - natural and juridical persons - shall enjoy equal rights and bear equal duties.

Article 7. The Organizational and Legal Forms of Public Associations

Public associations may be set up in one of the following organizational and legal forms:

- the non-governmental organization;

- the mass movement;

- the public fund;

- the non-governmental institution;

- the local community body.

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 supplemented part 1 of Article 7 of this Federal Law with the following position:

- the political party

According to Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 part 2 of Article 7 of this Federal Law shall be abolished from the day of the entry into force of Item 1 of Article 36 of the Federal Law on Political Parties

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 19, 1998 supplemented Article 7 of the present Federal Law with the second part:

The organizational and legal forms of political public associations shall be deemed to be public organization (for a political organization including a political party) and public movement (for a public movement).

Article 8. The Non-Governmental Organization

The non-governmental organization represents the public association, based on formal membership and set up for the joint activity and protection of common interests and the achievement of the statutory goals of the united individuals.

In conformity with their charter the members of the non-governmental organization may include natural persons and juridical persons, that is, public associations, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and the laws on particular public associations.

The congress (conference) or the general meeting shall be the supreme governing body of the non-governmental organization. The elective collegiate body, accountable to the congress (conference) or the general meeting, shall be its permanently functioning governing body.

In case of registration of the non-governmental organization its permanently functioning governing body shall exercise the rights of a legal entity on behalf of this organization and discharge its duties in conformity with its charter.

Article 9. The Mass Movement

A mass movement is a public association consisting of participants with no formal membership. Organization who pursues social, political and other socially useful goals, supported by its participants.

The congress (conference) or the general meeting shall be the supreme governing body of the mass movement. The elective collegiate body accountable to the congress (conference) or the general meeting shall be the permanently functioning governing body of the mass movement.

In case of state registration of a mass movement, its permanently functioning governing body shall exercise the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the mass movement and discharge its duties in accordance with the charter.

Article 10. The Public Fund

The public fund is a non-profit foundation and represents the public association without formal membership. The Fund's goal is to create assets on the basis of voluntary contributions, other receipts not banned by law and the use of these assets for socially useful purposes. The founders and property managers of the public fund shall have no right to use the said assets in their own interests.

The governing body of the public fund shall be formed by its founders and/or participants or by decision of the fund's founders, adopted in the form of recommendations or personal appointments, or by election by its participants at the congress (conference) or the general meeting.

In case of state registration of the public fund the latter shall carry on its activity in the procedure, stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The creation, functioning, reorganization and/or liquidation of other funds (private, corporate, state, state-cum-public and other funds) may be regulated by the respective law on funds.

Article 11. The Non-governmental Institution

The non-governmental institution is a public association without formal membership that sets its aim of rendering concrete services meeting the interests of its participants and corresponding to the statutory goals of the said association.

The non-governmental institution and its assets shall be governed by the persons, appointed by the founder (founders).

In accordance with the constituent documents the non-governmental institution may set up a collegiate body, which is elected by the participants who are not the founders of this institution and the consumers of its services. The said body may determine the direction of the activity of the non-governmental institution, have the right to consultative vote under the founder (founders), but shall have no right of disposal of the assets of the non-governmental institution, unless otherwise established by the founder (founders).

In case of state registration of the non-governmental institution the latter shall carry on its activity in the procedure, stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 12. The Local Community Body

A local community body is a public association without formal membership, whose goal is the joint solution of various social problems arising for individuals in the place their residence, work or study and aimed at the satisfaction of the requirements of the unlimited range of persons whose interests are associated with the achievement of statutory purposes and the realization of the programmes of the local initiative body in the place of its creation.

The local community body shall be formed at the initiative of people interested in the solution of said problems and build its work on the basis of self-government in keeping with its charter, adopted at the meeting of the founders. The local community body shall have no superior organs or organizations.

In case of state registration of the local community body the latter shall acquire the rights and assume the obligations of a legal entity in conformity with its charter.

According to Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 Article 12.1 of this Federal Law shall be abolished from the day of the entry into force of Item 1 of Article 36 of the Federal Law on Political Parties

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 19, 1998 supplemented the present Federa Law with Article 12.1

Article 12.1. Political Public Associations

A political public association is a public association the charter of which must provide for participation in the political life of the society through exerting influence on the shaping of citizens' political will, participation in elections to the bodies of state power and local self-government by means of nominating candidates and organizing their electoral campaign, taking part in the organization and activities of the said bodies.

The following bodies shall not be recognized as a political public association:

- an association registered under the legislation of the Russian Federation as a trade union, religious, charitable organization, national - cultural autonomous entity as well as a public fund, public institution, a body of public amateur activities;

- an association the charter of which allows membership in it or adherence to it in another form of foreign citizens, foreign or international organizations;

- an association the charter of which provides for membership in it or adherence to it of citizens only by the trade, national, ethnic, race or creed;

- an association the charter of which provides for membership in it or adherence to it of persons not entitled to be members of political public associations or adhere to such associations;

- an association pursuing the aim of making profit through the pursuance of entrepreneurial activities and distribution of profit (assets, property) received among its members and/or founders;

- an association set up for the pursuance of amateur and other non- political interests;

- an association whose non-political nature is expressly provided in federal law.

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 supplemented this Federal Law with Article 12.2:

Article 12.2. Political Parties

The procedure for the creation, activity, reorganisation and/or liquidation of political parties shall be regulated by a special federal law.

Article 13. The Unions of Public Associations

The public associations, regardless of their organizational structure and legal status, shall have the right to set up unions of public associations on the basis of foundation agreements and/or charters, adopted by the unions and thus form new public associations. The passive capacity of the unions of public associations as legal entities emerges since the time of their state registration.

The creation, functioning, reorganization and/or liquidation of the unions of public associations, including those with the participation of foreign non-profit non-governmental associations, shall be effected in the procedure, prescribed by this Federal Law.

Article 14. The Territorial Sphere of Activity of Russian Public Associations

All-Russia, interregional, regional and local public associations are set up and function in the Russian Federation.

The all-Russia public association shall be understood to mean the association which carries on its activity in accordance with the statutory purposes on the territory covering more than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation and has there its structural subdivisions - organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices.

The interregional public association shall be understood to mean the association which carries on its activity in keeping with its statutory purposes on the territory covering less than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation and has there its structural subdivisions - organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices.

The regional public association shall be understood to mean the association whose activity is conducted in conformity with its statutory purposes within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

The local public association shall be understood to mean the association whose activity is carried on in compliance with its statutory purposes within the territory of a local self-government body.

All-Russia public associations may use in their names the denominations "Russia", "Russian Federation" and the words and word combinations based on them without a special permission of the competent state organ.

Article 15. The Principles of Creating and Functioning of Public Associations

Public associations, regardless of their organizational structure and legal status, shall be equal before the law. Their activity is based on the principles of voluntary association, equality, self-government and legality. Public associations shall be free in determining their internal structure, purposes, forms and methods of activity.

The activity of public associations shall be open, and information about their constituent and programmatic documents shall be generally accessible.

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 25, 2002 amended Article 16 of this Law

Article 16. Restrictions on the Creation and Functioning of Public Associations

It shall be forbidden to create public associations and to allow them to function, if their goals or actions are aimed at the performance of an extremist activity.

The inclusion of provisions on the protection of ideals of social justice in the constituent and programmatic documents of public associations may not be regarded as the kindling of social enmity.

Restrictions on the creation of particular types of public associations may only be established by the federal law.

Article 17. The State and Public Associations

The interference by the organs of state power and their officials in the activity of public associations, just as the interference of public associations in the activity of the organs of state power and their officials, shall not be allowed, except for the cases, stipulated by the present Federal Law.

The State shall guarantee the observance of the rights and lawful interests of public associations, render support for their activity, legislatively regulate the granting to them of tax and other concessions and advantages. State support may be expressed in the form of the target-oriented financing of particular socially useful programmes of public associations an their request (state grants); the conclusion of contracts of any types, including those for the performance of works and the rendering of services; the social order for the implementation of various state programmes to an unlimited range of public associations on a competitive basis.

Questions affecting the interests of public associations in cases stipulated by law shall be settled by the organs of state power and the local self-government bodies with the participation of relevant public associations or by agreement with them.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on labour and the legislation of the Russian Federation on social insurance shall extend to the employees of the public associations working for hire.

Chapter II. The Creation of Public Associations, Their Reorganization and/or Liquidation

Article 18. The creation of Public Associations

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 amended part 1 of Article 18 of this Federal Law

Public associations shall be set up at the initiative of their founders consisting of at least three natural persons. The number of the founders for the creation of certain types of public associations may be established by special laws on the relevant types of public associations.

Juridical persons - public associations - may join the founders alongside with natural persons.

Decisions on the creation of a public association, the approval of its charter and on the formation of governing, and control and audit bodies shall be taken at the congress (conference) or the general meeting. A public association shall be deemed to be created after adopting these said decisions: it carries on its statutory activity, acquires rights, except for the rights of a legal entity, and assumes the duties, provided for by this Federal Law.

The passive capacity of the public association as a legal entity shall arise after state registration of this association.

Article 19. Requirements made on the Founders, Members of and Participants in Public Associations

Individuals who have reached 18 years of age and legal entities as represented by public associations may be the founders, members of, and participants in public associations unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and also by the laws on particular types of public associations.

Foreign national and stateless persons may be on equal terms with citizens of the Russian Federation, founders, members of, and participants in, public associations, except for the cases specified by federal laws or international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.

Individuals who have reached 14 years of age may be members of and participants in youth public associations.

Federal Law No. 78-FZ of May 17, 1997 replaced the figure "10" with the figure "8" in Part 4 of Article 19

Individuals who have attained 8 years of age may be members of and participants in public associations of children.

The conditions and the order of acquiring or losing membership, including the withdrawal from the membership of public associations because of age, shall be determined by the charters of the corresponding public associations.

No requirement for reference in official documents to membership or participation in public associations shall be allowed. The belonging of individuals to public associations or otherwise may not serve as a ground for the restriction of their rights and freedoms or as a condition for the granting by the State of any privileges or advantages, except for the cases, specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organs of state power and the local self-government bodies may not be the founders, members and participants of public associations.

With the creation of public associations in the form of non-governmental organizations the founders of these associations shall become automatically their members and acquire the respective rights and duties.

When public associations are set up in other organizational and legal forms, the rights and duties of their founders shall be enumerated in their rules.

Article 20. The Rules of the Public Association

The Rules of the public association shall provide for:

1) the name and purposes of the public association and its organizational structure and legal status;

2) the structure of the public association, its governing, control and audit bodies, the territory within which the given association carries on its activity;

3) the terms and order of acquiring or losing the membership of the public association, the rights and duties of the members of the association (this is valid for the association providing for its membership);

4) the terms of reference and the procedure for the formation of the governing bodies of the public association, the period of their powers and the place of location of the permanently functioning governing body;

5) the procedure for introducing amendments and addenda to the rules of the public association;

6) the sources of forming monetary means and other assets of the public association, the rights of the public association and its structural subdivisions for property management;

7) the procedure for the reorganization and/or liquidation of the public association.

According to Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 part 2 of Article 20 of this Federal Law shall be abolished from the day of the entry into force of Item 1 of Article 36 of the Federal Law on Political Parties

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 19, 1998 supplemented Article 20 of the present Federal law with new Part two. In this connection Parts two and three are deemed Parts three and four respectively

The public association's being a political public association shall be stated in the charter thereof.

The rules of the public association may contain the description of the symbols of this association.

The rules may provide for other provisions relating to the activity of the public association and not contradicting the laws.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 21 of this Federal Law

Article 21. State Registration of Public Associations

A public association, for acquiring the rights of a legal entity, shall be subject to state registration under the Federal Law on the State Registration of Juridical Persons and Individual Businessmen with the account taken of the special procedure for state registration of public associations established by this Federal Law.

A decision on state registration of a public association shall be rendered by the federal executive body authorised in the sphere of the state registration of public associations (hereinafter referred to as the federal body of state registration) or by a territorial agency thereof. Entry to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of data about the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of public associations, as well as of other data, stipulated by federal laws, shall be made by the federal executive body authorized under Article 2 of the Federal Law on State Registration of Juridical Persons and Individual Businessmen (hereinafter referred to as the authorized registering body) on the basis of a decision on the appropriate state registration rendered by the federal body of state registration or by a territorial agency thereof. With this, a procedure for interaction of the federal body of justice and of a territorial agency thereof with the authorized registering body with regard to the state registration of public associations shall be determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

A decision on state registration of all-Russia and international public associations shall be rendered by the federal body state registration.

A decision on state registration of an interregional public association shall be rendered by a territorial agency of the federal body of state registration at the location of a standing governing body of this association.

A decision on state registration of regional and local public associations shall be taken by a territorial agency of the federal body of state registration of the respective subject of the Russian Federation.

The following documents shall be submitted to the federal body of state registration or to a territorial agency thereof for state registration of a public association:

- an application, signed by members of a standing governing body of the public association with the indication of their family names, first names, patronymics, places of residence and contact telephone numbers;

- the charter of the public association in three copies;

- an extract from the minutes of the constituent congress (conference) or the general meeting that contains information about the establishment of the public association, the approval of its charter and the formation of governing, control and audit bodies;

- information about the founders thereof;

- the document on the payment of registration fees;

- data about the address (location) of a standing governing body of the public association which is used for contacting the public association;

- the minutes of the constituent congresses (conferences) or of the general meetings of structural subdivisions for international, allRussia and interregional public associations;

- the documents confirming the powers for the use by the public association of the personal name of an individual or symbols protected by the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property or copyrights.

Said documents shall be submitted for state registration within three months, as of the date of holding the constituent congress (conference) or the general meeting.

The state registration of the youth and of the children's public associations shall be effected under the condition that into their leading bodies are elected the citizens, who have reached the age of eighteen.

Amendments and addenda to the rules of public associations shall be subject to state registration in the same order and within the same period of time, as state registration of public associations, and shall be effective, as of the moment of such registration.

A decision on state registration of a branch of the public association shall be taken by a territorial agency of the federal body of state registration of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of the documents, submitted by the branch of the public association in keeping with Part Six of this Article and certified by the governing body of the public association, and of a copy of the certificate of state registration of the public association. With this, state registration of the branch of the public association shall be carried out in the procedure established for state registration of public associations. If the branch of the public association does not adopt its charter and acts on the basis of the charter of that public association, of which it is a branch, the central governing body of said association shall notify the territorial agency of the federal body of state registration of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation about the presence of said branch and location thereof, and shall supply information about its governing bodies. In this case, the rights of a legal entity shall be acquired by said branch after state registration of the public association.

The federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof upon adoption of a decision on state registration of a public association shall submit to the authorized registering body the data and documents required for exercising by this body the functions related to keeping the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

On the basis of said decision, rendered by the federal body of state registration or by a territorial agency thereof, and of the required data and documents, submitted by them, the authorized registering body in five working days at latest, as of the date of receiving required data and documents, shall make an appropriate entry to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and shall inform about it the body, which has rendered the decision on state registration of the public association, at latest in one working day, next following the date of making the appropriate entry.

The federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof in three working days at latest, as of the date of receiving from the authorized registering body information on the entry about the public association made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, shall issue to the applicant a document confirming the fact of making the entry about the public association to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

A state duty for state registration of the public association and of the amendments, introduced to the charter thereof, shall be collected in the procedure and in the amount stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 22 of this Federal Law

Article 22. Decisions on State Registration of Public Associations

The federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof shall be obliged within one month term, as of the date of filing an application for the state registration of a public association, to render a decision on state registration of the public association and to issue to the founders thereof a document confirming the fact of making an entry about the public association to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or to refuse state registration of the public association and to issue to the founders thereof a reasoned refusal in writing which may be appealed against judicially.

The refusal of state registration of a public association shall not impede a repeated submission of documents for state registration thereof on conditions of eliminating the reasons for the refusal.

Consideration of a repeated application for state registration of a public association and rendering a decision with regard to the application shall be carried out in the procedure provided for by this Federal Law.

Federal Law No. 31-FZ of March 21, 2002 reworded Article 23 of this Federal Law

The amendments shall enter into force as of July 1, 2002

Article 23. Refusal of State Registration of a Public Association and the Procedure for Appealing against It

State registration of a public association may be refused for the following reasons:

- if the statutes of a public association run counter to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions (charters) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the provisions of Articles 16, 19, 20 and 21 of this Federal Law and the laws on individual types of public associations;

- if the list of the documents, required for state registration, which are specified by this Federal Law, has not been submitted in full, or if they have not been drawn up in proper order or have been submitted to an improper body;

- if a public association, having the same name, has been registered before on the territory, where the given association carries on its activity;

- if it has been established that the constituent documents, submitted for registration, contain unreliable information;

- if the name of a public association insults the morality and outrages the national and religious feelings of citizens.

Refusal of state registration of a public association on the grounds of inexpediency of its establishment shall not be allowed.

In case of the refusal of state registration of a public association the applicants therefor shall be notified about it in writing with the indication of the specific provisions of the laws of the Russian Federation whose breach has entailed the refusal to carry out state registration of this association.

Refusal of state registration of a public association, as well as evasion of such registration may be appealed against with court.

Article 24. Symbols of Public Associations

Public Associations may have their own flags, emblems, streamers and other symbols. The symbols of public associations shall not coincide with the state symbols of the Russian Federation and its subjects or with the symbols of foreign States. The symbols of public associations shall not violate the rights of private persons to intellectual property and outrage their national and religious feelings. The symbols of a public association shall be subject to state registration and accounting in the order, prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 25 of this Federal Law

Article 25. Reorganization of a Public Association

Reorganization of a public association shall be effected by decision of its congress (conference) or its general meeting.

State registration of a public association, established by way of reorganization, shall be carried out in the procedure provided for by the Federal Law on State Registration of Juridical Persons and Individual Businessmen subject to the peculiarities of such registration stipulated by this Federal Law.

The documents required for state registration of a public association, which is established by way of reorganization, shall be submitted to the federal body of state registration or to territorial agencies thereof in appropriate subjects of the Russian Federation. With this, a list of said documents and a procedure for submitting them shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof upon rendering a decision on state registration of a public association, established by way of reorganization, shall submit to the authorized registering body the data and documents required for exercising by this body the functions related to keeping the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

On the basis of said decision, rendered by the federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof, and of the required data and documents, submitted by them, the authorized registering body in five working days at latest, as of the date of receiving required data and documents, shall make an appropriate entry to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and shall inform about it the body, that has taken said decision, at latest in one working day, next following the date of making an appropriate entry.

A procedure for interaction of the federal body of state registration and territorial agencies thereof with the authorized registering body with regard to state registration of a public association, established by way of reorganization, shall be determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

State registration of a public association, established by way of reorganization, if a decision to refuse said state registration under Article 23 of this Federal Law has not been taken, shall be effected in thirty working days at latest, as of the date of submitting all the documents therefor drawn up in the established procedure.

The property of the public association which is a legal entity, shall pass after its reorganization to the newly established legal entities in the order, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 26 of this Federal Law

Article 26. The Liquidation of a Public Association

A public association shall be liquidated either by decision of the congress (conference) or a general meeting thereof in keeping with the statutes of the given public association or by a court ruling on the grounds and in the procedure, provided for by Article 44 of this Federal Law.

The property of a public association, liquidated in the order and on the grounds, envisaged in the Federal Law on the Counteraction to an Extremist Activity, which is left after the satisfaction of the creditors' claims, shall be turned into the ownership of the Russian Federation.

State registration of a public association in connection with liquidation thereof shall be effected in the procedure provided for by the Federal Law on State Registration of Juridical Persons and Individual Businessmen subject to the peculiarities of such registration established by this Federal Law.

The data and documents required for state registration of a public association in connection with liquidation thereof shall be submitted to the body that has rendered the decision on state registration of this public association, when established.

The federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof upon rendering a decision on state registration of a public association in connection with liquidation thereof shall submit to the authorized registering body the data and documents required for exercising by this body the functions related to keeping the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

On the basis of said decision, rendered by the federal body of state registration or a territorial agency thereof, and of the required data and documents, submitted by them, the authorized registering body in five working days at latest, as of the date of receiving required data and documents, shall make an appropriate entry to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and shall inform about it the body, that has taken said decision, at latest in one working day, next following the date of making an appropriate entry.

A procedure for interaction of the federal body of state registration and territorial agencies thereof with the authorized registering body with regard to state registration of a public association in connection with liquidation thereof shall be determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

State registration of a public association in connection with liquidation thereof shall be effected in ten working days at latest, as of the date of submitting all the documents therefor drawn up in the established procedure.

Chapter III. The Rights and Duties of the Public Association

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 25, 2002 amended Article 27 of this Law

Article 27. The Rights of the Public Association

To realize the statutory purposes, the public association, which is a legal entity, shall have the right:

- to freely disseminate information about its activity;

- to take part in the elaboration of decisions of the organs of state power and the local self-government bodies in the order and in the scope, specified by this Federal Law and other laws;

- to hold meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing;

- to found mass media and carry on publishing business;

- to present and defend their rights, the lawful interests of its members and participants, and also other private persons in the organs of state power, the local self-government bodies and public associations;

- to discharge in full the powers, provided for by the laws on public associations;

- to display initiatives on different questions of public life and to table proposals in the organs of state powers;

- to take part in elections and referendums in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For an implementation of the constituent goals, a public association, which is not a legal entity, shall have the right:

- to freely disseminate information about its activity;

- to hold get-togethers, meetings and demonstrations, processions and the picketing;

- to present and protect its rights, the lawful interests of its members and participants in the state power bodies, in the local self-government bodies and in public associations;

- to exercise other powers in the cases, when these powers are directly indicated in the federal laws on the individual kinds of public associations;

- to come out with the initiatives on the issues, having a bearing on an implementation of their constituent rights, to submit proposals to the state power bodies and to the local self-government bodies.

The realization of said rights by public associations, set up by foreign nationals and stateless persons or with their participation may be limited by federal laws or international treaties or agreements of the Russian Federation.

The laws on public associations may provide for additional rights for concrete types of public associations.

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 amended Article 28 of this Federal Law

Article 28. The Rights and Duties of the Public Association in Respect of the Use of Its Name

The official name of a public association shall contain reference to its organizational and legal form and the territorial sphere of its operation.

According to Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 part 2 of Article 28 of this Federal Law shall be effective in the new wording from the day of the entry into force of Item 1 of Article 36 of the Federal Law on Political Parties

The name of a public association shall not presuppose the use of the names of the organs of state power and the local self-government bodies, the political parties existing in the Russian Federation and also the political parties that have terminated their activity in consequence of their liquidation due to violation of Item 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law on Political Parties.

A public association shall have the right to use the personal name of an individual in its name. It may use the private person's name only with his written consent or the written consent of his legal representatives.

Federal Law No. 169-FZ of December 8, 2003 amended Article 29 of this Federal Law

Article 29. The Duty of the Public Association

The public association shall be obliged:

- to observe the legislation of the Russian Federation, the generally recognized principles and standards of international law dealing with the sphere of its activity, and also the norms, provided for by its rules and other constituent instruments;

- to publish every year its report on the use of its property or to ensure the access of people to the said report;

- to inform every year the body which has rendered a decision on the state registration of a public association about the continuance of its activity with an indication of the real place of location of the permanently functioning governing body, its name and data on the leaders of the public association in the scope of information, included in the single state register of legal entities;

- to submit decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the public association upon the inquiry of the body rendering decisions on the state registration of public associations, and also annual and quarterly reports on its activity in the scope of information, presented to tax bodies;

- to admit the representatives of the body rendering decisions on the state registration of public associations to the undertakings held by the public association;

- to render assistance to the representatives of the body rendering decisions on the state registration of public associations in the acquaintance with the activity of the public association in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and the observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A public association shall be also obliged to inform the body which has rendered a decision on state registration of this association about changes in the data indicated in Item 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law on State Registration of Juridical Persons and Individual Businessmen, except for the information on obtained licenses, in three working days at latest, as of the moment of such changes. Said body in one working day at latest, as of the date of receiving appropriate information from the public association, shall inform about it the authorized registering body that shall make an entry about changes in the data about the public association to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Repeated failure of a public association to submit within the established term updated information, necessary for introducing amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, shall be a ground for the body, which has rendered a decision on state registration of the public association, to lodge a claim with court for declaring this association as having terminated its activity as a legal entity and for exclusion thereof from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Chapter IV. The Property of the Public Association. The Management of Its Property

Article 30. The Property of the Public Association

A public association which is a legal entity may own land plots, buildings, structures, installations, housing facilities, transport vehicles, equipment, implements, cultural, educational and health-building assets, monetary resources, shares and other securities, and other property needed for the material provision of the activity of this public association, referred to in its rules.

The public association may also own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media set up or acquired at the expense of the monetary means of the given public association in accordance with its statutory goals.

The Federal law may establish the types of property which according to state and public security considerations or to the international treaties and agreements may not be owned by public associations.

Public funds may carry on their activity on the basis of trust management.

The property of public associations shall be protected by law.

Article 31. The Sources of Forming Property of the Public Association

The property of the public association shall be formed on the basis of entrance fees and membership dues if their payment is stipulated by the rules; voluntary contributions and donations; receipts from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events held in conformity with the rules of the public association; incomes from its business operations; civil transaction; its foreign economic activity; other receipts not banned by law.

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 amended part 2 of Article 31 of this Federal Law

The public associations whose statutes stipulate the participation in elections and referendums in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation may accept donations in the form of monetary funds and other property for the activity connected with the preparation and conduct of elections only in the procedure stipulated by the Federal Law on Political Parties and by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections.

Article 32. The Subjects of the Right of Property in Public Associations

Non-governmental organizations possessing the rights of a legal entity may be the owners of property. Every particular member of a non-governmental organization shall have no right of ownership of the share of assets belonging to the public association.

Non-governmental organizations whose structural units (branches) carry on their activity on the basis of the single rules for these organizations shall be the owners of property as a whole. The structural units (branches) of said public associations shall have the right of operative management of property assigned to them by the owners.

In non-governmental organizations that unite territorial bodies as independent subjects into a union, the property created and/or acquired for use in the interests of the public association as a whose shall be owned by the union. The territorial organizations, included in the union as independent subjects, shall own their assets.

Article 33. The Subjects of the Right of Property in Mass Movements

On behalf of mass movements the rights of the owner of assets, received by these movements, and also the rights of the owner of the property, created and/or acquired by them at the expense of their own means, shall be exercised by their permanently functioning governing bodies referred to in the rules of these movements.

Article 34. The Subjects of the Right of Property in Public Funds

On behalf of public funds the rights of the owner of assets received by the public funds, and also the rights of the owner of the property, created and/or acquired by them at the expense of their own means, shall be exercised by their permanently functioning governing bodies, referred to in the charters of these funds.

Article 35. Property Management in Non-governmental Institutions

Non-governmental institutions, set up and financed by the owner (owners), shall exercise the right of operative management of the property assigned to them.

Non-governmental institutions, which are legal entities and possessing property by right of operative management may be owners of the assets, created and/or acquired by them by other lawful methods.

Non-governmental institutions shall receive property by right of operative management from the founder (founders).

In respect of said property the non-governmental institutions shall exercise the rights of possession, use and disposal within the limits set by law and in accordance with their statutory goals.

The founder (founders), who is the owner (owners) of the property, assigned to non-governmental institutions, shall have the right to withdraw the surplus of assets, which are not used or are used not to the set purpose, and to dispose of them at its discretion.

Even the passage of the right of ownership of the assets assigned to non-governmental institutions to another person, the institutions shall retain the right of operative management of said property. The non-governmental institutions shall have no right to alienate or to dispose in any other way of the assets assigned to them and the assets, acquired at the expense of the monetary means, allocated to them according to an estimate, without the written permit of the owner.

If in keeping with the constituent instruments the non-governmental institutions has been accorded the right to carry on the gainful activity, the incomes received from such activity and assets acquired at the expense of these incomes shall be placed at the disposal of the non-governmental institutions and shall be accounted in a separate balance-sheet.

The non-governmental institutions shall be liable for their obligations within the monetary assets kept at their disposal. If these assets are insufficient the joint and several liability for the obligations of the non-governmental institution shall be borne by the owner of relevant assets.

Article 36. The Subjects of the Right of Property in Local Community Bodies

The subjects of the right of property in local community bodies shall be represented by these bodies to which the rights of a legal entity have been assigned following their state registration. The local community bodies may be owners of assets created and/or acquired by them by other lawful methods.

Article 37. The Business Activity of Public Associations

Public associations may carry on business operations in so far as they serve to achieve the statutory goals for the sake of which they have been created and comply with these goals. Business operations shall be conducted by public associations in conformity with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on the Enforcement of the First Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and with other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Public associations may set up economic partnerships, companies and other economic organizations, and also acquire assets intended for business activity. The economic partnerships, companies and other economic organizations set up by public associations shall remit to the corresponding budgets payments in the order and amounts, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Incomes from the business activity of public associations may not be redistributed among the members of, or the participants in, these associations and shall only be used for the achievement of statutory goals. Public associations may use their financial resources for charity purposes, if even this is not indicated in their rules.

Article 38. Supervision and Control over the Activity of Public Associations

Supervision over the observance of laws by public associations shall be exercised by the Procurator's Office of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 31-FZ of March 21, 2002 amended part 2 of Article 38 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall enter into force as of July 21, 2002

The body rendering decisions on state registration of public associations shall exercise control over the compliance of their activity with the statutory goals. The said body shall have the right:

- to inquire management documents from the governing bodies of public associations;

- to send its representatives for the participation in undertakings conducted by public associations.

- in case of revealing breaches of the legislation of the Russian Federation by public associations or of performing by them actions contradicting to their statutory goals, the body registering public associations may issue to the governing bodies of these associations a written warning with an indication of concrete grounds for this warning. The warning issued by the body rendering decisions on state registration of public associations may be appealed against by these associations in courts of law.

The financial bodies shall exercise control over the sources of incomes of public associations, the amounts of the financial resources they get and the payment of taxes in compliance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation.

Supervision and control over the fulfilment by public associations of the existing norms and standards may be exercised by the ecological, fire-prevention, epidemiological and other bodies of state supervision and control.

Chapter V. Responsibility for the Contravention of the Laws on Public Associations

Article 39. The Equality of the Grounds for the Responsibility of All Subjects Operating in the Sphere of Relations, Regulated by the Present Federal Law

The State and its organs, public associations and individuals shall bear equal responsibility for the observance of this Federal Law and other laws on public associations of particular types.

Public associations and individuals whose rights granted by this Federal Law and other laws on public associations of particular types have been infringed may apply with a statement of claim to a court of law and with an application or complaint to the administrative body for the institution of proceedings against guilty persons.

Article 40. Responsibility for Breaking Laws on Public Associations

The state bodies and the local self-government bodies and their officials who have inflicted damage to public associations due to the infringement of this Federal Law (by said bodies and their officials) and also of other laws on particular types of public associations, shall bear responsibility, stipulated by the criminal, civil and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 31-FZ of March 21, 2002 amended Article 41 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall enter into force as of July 1, 2002

Article 41. Responsibility of Public Associations for Breaking the Legislation of the Russian Federation

Public associations, including those which have not been enjoying the rights of a legal entity, shall bear responsibility in conformity with this Federal Law and other laws in case of breaking the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation by the public associations which have not been enjoying the rights of a legal entity the responsibility for the violations shall be borne by the persons who are members of the governing bodies of these associations.

If public associations (including those which have not been enjoying the rights of a legal entity) have committed deeds punishable in criminal proceedings, the persons who are members of the governing bodies of these associations may by court decision bear responsibility as leaders of criminal communities, if their guilt for the deeds of the organization has been proved. Other participants in such associations shall bear responsibility for the criminal deeds in whose preparation or commission they have taken part.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 42 of this Federal Law

Article 42. Suspension of the Public Associations' Activity

If a public association violates the Constitution of the Russian Federation or the Constitutions (the Statutes) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, or the legislation of the Russian Federation, and if it performs actions, contradicting the statutory goals, the federal body state registration or its corresponding territorial body, or the Procurator-General of the Russian Federation or the corresponding public prosecutor, subordinated to him, shall make a presentation on the above-said violations to the leading body of the given association and shall fix a time term for their elimination.

If these violations are not eliminated within the fixed time term, the body or the official person, which (who) made the corresponding presentation, shall have the right to suspend by its (his) order the activity of the public association for a term of up to six months.

The decision on the suspension of the activity of a public association may be appealed against to the court before the court considers an application for its liquidation or for the prohibition of its activity.

The activity of a public association may also be suspended in the order and on the grounds, stipulated in the Federal Law on the Counteraction to an Extremist Activity.

If an emergency situation is introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure for the suspension of the activity of public associations shall be determined by the federal constitutional law.

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 25, 2002 reworded Article 43 of this Law

Article 43. Consequences of the Suspension of the Activity of a Public Association

If the activity of a public association is suspended, its rights as a founder of the mass media shall also be suspended, and it shall be prohibited to organize and to hold the get-togethers, meetings, demonstrations and processions, the picketing and other kind of massive actions or public events, to take part in the elections, to make use of bank deposits, with the exception of the settlements involved in the economic activity and in the labour contracts, in the recompense of the losses, caused by its actions, and in the payment of the taxes and the fines.

If the public association eliminates the violation, which has served as a ground for the suspension of its activity, within the fixed term of the suspension of its activity, the public association shall resume its activity by the decision of the body or of the official persons, which (who) has suspended this activity. If the court does not satisfy the application for the liquidation of the public association or for the prohibition of its activity, the latter shall resume its activity after the court decision comes into legal force.

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 25, 2002 reworded Article 44 of this Law

Article 44. Liquidation of a Public Associations and Prohibition of Its Activity in Cases of Breaking the Legislation of the Russian Federation

Seen as the grounds for the liquidation of a public association or for the prohibition of its activity shall be:

- a violation by the public association of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

- repeated or gross violations by the public association of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, of the federal constitutional laws, of the federal laws or of the other legal normative acts, or a systematic performance by the public association of an activity, contradicting its constituent goals.

The application for the liquidation of an all-Russia or international associations on the grounds referred to in this Article shall be filed with a court of law by the Procurator-General.

The application for the liquidation of an interregional, regional or local public association on the grounds referred to in this Article shall be filed with a court of law by the procurator of the respective subject of the Russian Federation in the order prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation on the Procurator's Office of the Russian Federation.

The liquidation of a public association by court decision shall mean the ban on its activity, regardless of the fact of state registration.

The procedure and the grounds for the liquidation of a public association, which is a legal entity, shall also be applied by the court decision with respect to the prohibition of the activity of a public association, which is not a legal entity.

A public association may be liquidated and the activity of a public association, which is not a legal entity, may also be prohibited in the order and on the grounds, stipulated in the Federal Law on the Counteraction to an Extremist Activity.

Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 25, 2002 Article 45 of this Law

Article 45. Appeals Against Decisions on the Suspension of the Activity or the Liquidation of Public Associations and Consequences of the Recognition of Such Decisions as Illegal

The decisions on the suspension of the activity or the liquidation of public associations may be appealed against in cases and in the order, established by federal laws.

The repeal of the decision of the liquidation of a public association shall involve the compensation by the State of all the losses incurred by the public association in connection with its illegal liquidation.

Chapter VI. International Ties of Public Associations. International Public Associations

Article 46. International Ties of Public Associations

In conformity with their rules Russian public associations may join international public associations, acquire rights and bear duties corresponding to the status of these international public associations, support direct international contracts and ties, and conclude agreements with foreign non-profit, non-governmental associations.

Russian public associations may set up their organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices in foreign States on the basis of the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation and the legislation of these States.

Article 47. The International Public Associations

A public association formed in the Russian Federation shall recognized as international if in compliance with its rules at least one of its structural units - an organization, a branch or affiliate and representative office - is set up to carry on its activity in a foreign State.

The creation, functioning, reorganization and/or liquidation of international public associations, international unions of international public associations in the Russian Federation shall be effected in the general order envisaged for public associations by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

Organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices of international public associations shall be set up to carry on their activities in the Russian Federation in keeping with this Federal Law and other federal laws.

Organizations, branches or affiliates and representative offices of foreign non-profit, non-governmental associations shall be set up to carry on their activities in the Russian Federation in accordance with the present Federal Law and other federal laws.

Chapter VII. Concluding Provisions

Article 48. The Entry of This Federal Law into Force

The present Federal Law shall enter into force since the day of its official publication.

Article 49. On the Recognition of Normative Legal Acts As Non-effective or Valid in the Russian Federation in Connection with the Enforcement of This Law

To recognize as non-effective the following normative legal acts in the Russian Federation:

the USSR Law on the Public Associations (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, No. 42, 1990, item 839), except for Articles 6 and 9 (in respect of provisions dealing with political parties);

Article 15 of the USSR Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals in the USSR (Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, No. 26, 1981, item 836);

the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 6007-VIII of May 20, 1974 on the Basis Duties and Rights of the Voluntary People's Squads for the Protection of Public Order (Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, No. 22, 1974, item 326).

To recognize as invalid the following normative legal acts:

the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of March 11, 1977 on the Approval of the Statute of Comrades' Courts and the Statute of Voluntary Councils for the Work of Comrades' Courts (Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, No. 12, 1977, item 254);

the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of June 25, 1980 on the Approval of the Statute of Public Points of Public Order Protection in the RSFSR (Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, No. 27, 1980, item 772);

the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of October 1, 1985 on the Approval of the Regulations for the Anti-drunkenness Commissions, Formed at Enterprises, Instructions, Organizations and in Their Structural Subdivisions (Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, No. 40, 1985, item 1397);

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of March 12, 2002 amended paragraph 5 of part 2 of Article 49 of this Federal Law

the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 2057-1 of December 18, 1991 on the Registration of Public Associations in the RSFSR and the Registration Fees (Gazette of the Congress of Peoples' Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, No. 7, 1992, item 299), except for Items 4 and 6, and with respect to political parties and their regional departments, completely the Decision of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR indicated in this paragraph;

the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No. 2324-1 of February 10, 1992 on the Procedure for the Associations of Educational Establishments (Gazette of the Congress of Peoples' Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, No. 10, 1992, item 478).

Federal Law No. 127-FZ of November 2, 2004 amended Article 50 of the present Federal Law. The amendments shall enter into force as of January 1, 2005

Article 50. On the Introduction of Amendments and Addenda to Some Legislative Acts in Connection with the Entry of This Federal Law into Force

To introduce the following amendments in Item 1 of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No. 2355-1 of February 14, 1992 on the Order of Using the Names "Russia", "the Russian Federation" and the Words and Word Combinations Formed on Their Basis in the Denominations of Organizations and Other Structures (Gazette of the Congress of Peoples' Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, No. 10, 1992, item 470):

the words "political parties and trade unions" shall be replaced by the words "public associations".

The word "public" shall be excluded from Item 1 of Article 1 in the Law of the Russian Federation on the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation (Gazette of the Congress of Peoples' Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, No. 33, 1993, item 1309)

the first part shall be excluded from Article 16 in this Law. The name of the Article shall be formulated as follows:

"Article 16. The Participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in the Preparation of Normative Acts".

Article 51. On Public Associations, Set up with the Participation of the State

Pending the adoption of federal laws on state-cum-public and public-cum-state associations the said associations shall be created to carry on their activity in conformity with the normative legal acts of the organs of state power.

Article 52. On the State Registration of Public Associations, Set up before the Entry of This Federal Law in Force

The provisions of this Federal Law on the state registration of public associations shall extend to public associations set up before the entry of this Federal Law in force.

The rules of public associations set up before the enforcement of this Federal Law shall be brought in compliance with the said Federal Law since its entry into force at the nest congress (conference) or general meeting. The rules of public associations before they are brought into conformity with this Federal Law shall operate in the part that is not inconsistent with the said Law.

State re-registration of public associations set up before the enforcement of this Federal Law shall be carried out before July 1, 1999 with the exemption from registration dues. The provision of the sixth part of Article 21 of this Federal Law on the submission of constituent documents for State registration before the expiration of three months since the say of holding the foundation congress (conference) of the general meeting shall not be applied to said public associations. Upon the expiration of the said period of re-registration public associations that have not passed it shall be subject to liquidation in juridical proceedings on the demand of the body registering public associations.

The state bodies registering public associations at the present time shall be obliged to transfer after three months since the enforcement of this Federal Law, whole the bodies registering public associations under this Federal Law shall be obliged to accept all the registration documents and materials of the earlier registered public associations.

Article 53. International Treaties and Agreements with the Participation of the Russian Federation

If the international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation establishes rules other that those stipulated by law, the rules of the international treaty or agreement shall be applied.

Article 54. On Bringing Legal Acts into Conformity with the Present Federal Law

The President of the Russian Federation shall propose and the Government of the Russian Federation shall be instructed to bring their legal acts into conformity with this Federal Law.

President of the Russian Federation

Boris Yeltsin

Moscow, the Kremlin

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