Federal Law on the Procedure for Exiting and Entering the Russian Federation (1996, as amended 2004) (English)


NO. 114-FZ OF AUGUST 15, 1996



(with the Amendments and Additions of July 18, 1998, June 24, 1999, January 10, June 30, 2003, June 29, 2004)

Approved by the State Duma on July 18, 1996


Everyone shall be free to leave the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation shall have the right to return freely to the Russian Federation.

Chapter I. General Provisions

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 1 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 1. Exits from and entries into the Russian Federation (including transit through its territory) shall be subject to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other federal laws and also the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted pursuant to these federal laws.

In the event an international treaty of the Russian Federation lays down rules other than those stipulated by this Federal Law, then the rules of the international treaty shall control.

Article 2. A citizen of the Russian Federation shall not be restricted as to his right to exit from the Russian Federation in any way other than in the reasons and according to the procedure specified under this Federal Law.

A citizen of the Russian Federation shall not be deprived of the right to enter into the Russian Federation.

An exit by a citizen of the Russian Federation from the Russian Federation shall entail neither for him nor his spouse nor his close relatives any restrictions whatsoever on the rights guaranteed by the laws of the Russian Federation as well as international commitments of the Russian Federation.

Article 3. The procedure of moving across the State border of the Russian Federation upon an exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation shall be regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation On the State Border of the Russian Federation, as well as by this Federal Law.

Article 4. Citizens of the Russian Federation staying outside the bounds of the Russian Federation shall enjoy the protection and patronage of the Russian Federation.

The diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation shall be obliged to undertake measures for the protection of citizens of the Russian Federation, and to offer them patronage as determined by the laws of the Russian Federation and the international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Article 5. In the event there arises in the territory of a foreign state an emergency situation, the Russian Federation guarantees to take diplomatic, economic, and other measures as may be envisaged by international law to ensure the security of citizens of the Russian Federation staying in the territory of said foreign state.

In the event there arise in the territory of a foreign state such circumstances as may not permit taking measures protect citizens of the Russian Federation and to provide them with the patronage of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation shall take care to bring to the notice of citizens of the Russian Federation its recommendations against entering into said state. Said recommendations shall not, however, serve as a reason for temporarily restricting the right to exit from the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 6 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 6. Exits from and entries into the Russian Federation shall be effected by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of valid documents that serve to identify the citizen of the Russian Federation beyond its borders. The procedure for making out, issuing, and withdrawing said documents shall be such as is determined by this Federal Law.

At the entry in the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation foreign citizens and persons without citizenship shall present their valid personal identification documents that are recognized by the Russian Federation as such, and a visa, except as otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Stateless persons shall enter the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation in compliance with the rules established by the present Federal Law for foreign citizens, except as otherwise envisaged by the present Federal Law, other federal laws or an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Control over the presence of visas and other permissions for the entry of persons into a foreign state shall be the responsibility of a transport company ( carrier of passengers) unless otherwise stipulated by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

For the purposes of the present Federal Law the following shall not be deemed an exit from the Russian Federation and an entry into the Russian Federation: the crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation by a Russian Federation citizen or by a foreign citizen within the effective term of the visa held by him/her as s/he travels from one part of the territory of the Russian Federation to another part of its territory via the territory of a foreign state under the regime of transit or when s/he travels aboard a Russian vessel via the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation or via the open seas without calling at foreign ports.

Chapter II. Procedure for Making out and Issuing Documents for the Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation of Citizens of the Russian Federation

Article 7. The basic documents of identification of a citizen of the Russian Federation that serve as the basis for citizens of the Russian Federation effecting their exit from and entry into the Russian Federation shall include a:


diplomatic passport;

business passport; or

sailor's passport (sailor's identification card).

Federal Law No. 118-fz of June 24, 1999 introduced amendments to Article 8 of the present law

Article 8. A passport shall be given to a citizen of the Russian Federation at his or her request, in writing, submitted either in person or through his lawful representative by an internal security organ, or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Russian Federation, or at a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation located outside the bounds of the Russian Federation, in cases stipulated hereunder.

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 2-P of January 15, 1998 declared as inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation the provisions of Part 1 of Article 8 of this Federal Law in so far as these, in fact, prevent the issuing to the citizen of the Russian Federation of a passport for foreign travel according to any other procedure by reason of his non- registration at the place of residence or the place of stay as well as the provision of Part 3 of this Article in so far as it, in fact, prevents the issuing to the Russian Federation's citizen residing outside its territory of a passport for foreign travel in the Russian Federation

On the Procedure for the Making and Issuing Passports to Citizens of the Russian Federation for Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry in the Russian Federation see Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 310 of May 26, 1997

On the measures for ensuring the right of the citizens of the Russian Federation to free egress from the Russian Federation see Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 488 of May 4, 1998

Any citizen of the Russian Federation shall have the right, starting from his date of birth and until he or she has reached the age of eighteen, to receive a passport at the request, in writing, submitted by at least one parent, adopted parent, trustee, or guardian, unless otherwise stipulated under the law.

As concerning citizens of the Russian Federation who resident outside the bounds of the Russian Federation, a passport shall be made out and issued by a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in the country of stay of said citizens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation may make out and issue a passport to a citizen of the Russian Federation residing on the Russian Federation, on the application in writing filed by him through the organization that sent him abroad, such an organization being registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

See Regulations on Registering Organizations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Purposes of Providing Consular Services to Them approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of October 1, 1998

Federal Law No. 110-FZ of July 18, 1998 supplemented Article 8 of this Federal Law with part five

Other federal bodies of executive power in which there is a provision for military service and the activities of which are connected with the performance of functions and tasks ouside the territory of the Russian Federation may also make out and issue a passport to a citizen of the Russian Federation undergoing service (working) as a military serviceman or a civilian employee in the said federal bodies of executive power as per the list endorsed by the Government of the Russian Federation and also in accordance with the procedure and on the terms established by it.

Article 9. In order to have a passport made out, a citizen of the Russian Federation shall in his or her request, on a standard form, indicate his or her family name, surname, patronymic (including those he or she may have earlier), sex, date and place of birth, place of residence, place of work (service, study) within the last ten years, and produce a basic document of identification. The request shall also enclose personal photos and documents certifying the payment of a state fee (if the passport is made out in the territory of the Russian Federation) or a consular fee (if the passport is made out outside the bounds of the Russian Federation) due for making out a passport, as well as a document certifying the payment of the value of a passport form.

A request for making out a passport from a citizen of the Russian Federation shall state that there exist no circumstances specified hereunder that might prevent his or her exit from the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 118-fz of June 24, 1999 introduced amendments to Article 10 of the present law

Article 10. The passport shall be made out by a respective state body within a term set in the present article and it shall be issued for a five-year term.

The date of presenting all the documents listed under Article 9 hereof, provided these are duly prepared, including photos, shall be considered the date of submitting a request.

Should an application for passport be filed at the place of residence, the term of the making of the passport shall not exceed one month after the date when the application is filed.

Should an application for passport be filed at the place of stay, the term of the making of the passport shall not exceed four months after the date when the application is filed.

The passport shall be made by a diplomatic mission or consular institution of the Russian Federation within three months after the date when the application is filed.

In the presence of documentarily supported circumstances associated with the need fof emergency treatment, a serious disease, or the death of a close relative that may require an exit from the Russian Federation, the time limits for issuing a passport shall not exceed three working days from the date of submitting a request.

In the event of the availability of the circumstances stipulated in Article 15 of the present Federal Law or in the event when one of the parents, step-parents, trustees or guardians refuse to consent to a minor citizen of the Russian Federation exiting from the Russian Federation, no passport shall be made out for such a minor citizen, with a respective notice being issued to the applicant containing the reason for the denial.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 11 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 11. Should a citizen of the Russian Federation lose a passport (diplomatic passport, business passport, sailor's passport) outside the bounds of the Russian Federation, he or she shall be given by a corresponding diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation or a representative office of the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs located within the border area, in particular, at a check-point at the State Border of the Russian Federation, a provisional document of identification entitling him or her to enter (return to) the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing such a document and the form of same shall be such as may be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

See Regulations on the Making Out Certificates for Entering (Returning to) the Russian Federation approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of October 1, 1998

It is not permitted to make out a new passport unless a passport previously issued has been given back, if it is still valid, nor unless a passport has been declared invalid for exit from the Russian Federation, if it has been lost by its holder excluding the cases specified in Part 3 of the present Article.

In the event when the activities of the citizen of the Russian Federation is connected with regular (at least once a month) exits from the territory of the Russian Federation, but the citizen is not entitled to obtain a diplomatic or service passport, a second passport may be made out and issued to him on the application of the organization that sends him abroad, with the date of the expiration of the validity term of the second passport being the date of the expiration of the validity term of the passport issued earlier.

The provision of Part 1 of the present article shall also be applicable to stateless persons who permanently reside in the Russian Federation and also to persons recognised as refugees in accordance with the procedure established by federal law.

Federal Law No. 118-fz of June 24, 1999 introduced amendments to Article 12 of the present law

Article 12. The diplomatic passport shall be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to the citizens of the Russian Federation who under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the other international treaties of the Russian Federation have, while traveling abroad to perform the service duties conferred on them, diplomatic immunity, to the President of the Russian Federation, the members of the Federation Council and the members of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (for the term of their powers), the members of the Government of the Russian Federation, the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the judges of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Procurator General of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and persons occupying the state posts of the Russian Federation or the state posts of the subjects of the Russian Federation classified under the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation as Category A state posts as well as to diplomatic personnel and diplomatic couriers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Members of the family (husband or wife, children under age, disabled children of age) of a citizen of the Russian Federation having a diplomatic passport and sent outside the territory of the Russian Federation to work at an official representation of the Russian Federation or a representative office of the Russian Federation under an international organization outside the territory of the Russian Federation, who are resident with or accompanying him, shall also be given diplomatic passports.

A service passport shall be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for a term not exceeding five years to the civil servants occupying the state posts of the Russian Federation or state posts of the subjects of the Russian Federation classified under the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation as Category B and Category C state posts and the administrative and technical services personnel accompanying them on their business trip abroad and the personnel of the special services of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Staff of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Staff of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation, the staff of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the staff of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the staff of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) and citizens of the Russian Federation being military servicemen undergoing military service outside of the territory of the Russian Federation, the staff personnel of the administrative and technical services of the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Russian Federation abroad, as well as the administrative and technical services of the official missions of the Russian Federation or official missions of the Russian Federation with the international organizations outside of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Members of the family (husband or wife, children under age and disabled children of age) of a citizen of the Russian Federation who has been given as per part three hereof a service passport may also be given service passports whenever the term of the business trip beyond the bounds of the Russian Federation exceeds one year.

A diplomatic passport, as well as a business passport, shall remain the property of the Russian Federation and shall after the expiration of the term of a business trip outside the bounds of the Russian Federation be returned to the organization that sent the citizen of the Russian Federation on the business mission outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. A sailor's passport (sailor's identification card) shall be a valid document for the exit from and entry into the Russian Federation on board a ship provided the ship's roll includes the holder of the sailor's passport (sailor's identification card).

For purposes envisaged by the Convention of 1958 on Sailor's Identification Cards (Convention No. 108 of the International Organization of Labour), a holder of a sailor's passport (sailor's identification card) shall have the right to exit from and enter the Russian Federation by any transport, either individually or as a member of a group, in the presence of an extract from the ship's roll, duly certified.

Federal Law No. 118-fz of June 24, 1999 introduced amendments to part 3 of Article 13 of the present law

The seaman's passport (seaman's personal identity paper) shall be made out by the federal bodies of executive power in charge of sea and river transportation and fisheries, and it shall be issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation working on board a Russian vessel navigating abroad or sent on a business trip by a Russian vessel owner for the purpose of working on board a foreign vessel as well as the cadets and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations under the control of the federal bodies of executive power in charge of sea and river transportation and fisheries, other federal bodies of executive power entered in the roll or a citizen of the Russian Federation being a seaman as applicable to the Convention on Seamen's Identity Papers of 1958 (ILO Convention No. 108).

Article 14. Payment for medical aid that may be rendered to a citizen of the Russian Federation, except for a citizen of the Russian Federation being sent on a business mission, shall upon the exit from the Russian Federation be effected as provided for under the terms and conditions of a medical insurance policy or a substitute therefor, both of which being valid for receiving medical aid outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or under a guarantee of an inviting natural person or legal entity to reimburse the expenses of medical aid (treatment at a medical establishment) that may be rendered to a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In the event the documents listed under part one hereof are lacking, the expenses of rendering medical assistance outside the territory of the Russian Federation shall be born by the citizen himself.

Assistance in insured accidents to citizens of the Russian Federation who may arrive in the territory of a foreign state shall be given by a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure to be established by the Government of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by an international treaty of the Russian Federation with the corresponding foreign state.

See Regulations on Rendering Assistance in Insured Perils to Citizens of the Russian Federation Staying on the Territory of a Foreign State approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of October 1, 1998

Chapter III. Procedure fof Exit by a Citizen of the Russian Federation from the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 15 of this Federal Law

Article 15. The right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to exit from the Russian Federation may be temporarily restricted in the following cases, viz.:

1) when he has, in receiving access to data of special significance or to strictly confidential data classified as state secrets in compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation on State Secrets, signed an employment agreement (contract) providing for the temporary restriction of his rights to exit from the Russian Federation, provided the term of restriction does not exceed five years, counting from the last familiarization of a person with data of special significance or strictly confidential data, until the expiration of the term of restriction fixed under the employment agreement (contract), or as a stipulated hereunder.

In the event the Interdepartmental Commission on the Protection of State Secrets comes to a conclusion that the data of special significance or strictly confidential data that may be known to a citizen on the date of his submitting an application for the exit from the Russian Federation still retains a certain degree of secrecy, then the term of restriction of the right of exit from the Russian Federation fixed in the employment agreement (contract) may be extended by the Interdepartmental Commission, which Commission is to be set up in the order established for setting up interdepartmental coordination and advisory bodies formed by the federal executive bodies. In that case, the term of restriction of the right to exit shall not exceed in its totality ten years, including the term of restriction fixed in the employment agreement (contract), as from the date of the last familiarization of the person with the data of special significance or strictly confidential data;

2) when he is called up for military service in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation into, or sent to take some alternative civil service - until the termination of the military service or such alternative civil service;

3) when he is detained on suspicion of committing a crime or being prosecuted as a defendant - until a judgement in the case has been given, or a court verdict has taken effect;

4) if he has been convicted for committing a crime - until the completion of the term of punishment (or until the enforcement of punishment), or until relief from punishment;

5) when he evades performing the duties imposed on him by a court of law - until the duties have been performed or the parties have reached an agreement;

6) when and if he gave deliberately false information about himself when applying for documents for exit from the Russian Federation - until the settlement of the question, which is to be made within one month at the most, by the body in charge of issuing said documents.

Article 16. In all the cases of temporary restrictions on the right to exit from the Russian Federation, specified under Article 15 hereof, an internal security organ shall issue to a citizen of the Russian Federation a notification indicating the reasons for and the term of the restriction, as well as a date and registration number of the decision as to the restriction, and the full name and legal address of the organization that has assumed responsibility for restricting the right of the given citizen to exit from the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004 amended Article 17 of this Federal Law

Article 17. Decisions as to the restriction of the right to exit from the Russian Federation of citizens having knowledge of data of special significance or strictly confidential data classified as state secrets, as well as of citizens that have been admitted to such data prior to this Federal Law taking effect may be appealed against by the citizens before the Interdepartmental Commission to be set up in the order established for setting up interdepartmental coordination and advisory organs formed by federal executive bodies, which Commission shall be obliged to look into the complaint and give its reply no later than in three months' time. The refusal to a citizen of the Russian Federation of the right to exit from the Russian Federation may be further protested against in a court of law.

See Regulations on the Inter-Departmental Commission for Considering the Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation Relating to the Limitation of Their Right to Exit from the Russian Federation approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 302 of March 14, 1997

Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 30, 2003 amended Article 18 of this Federal Law

Article 18. In case the exit from the Russian Federation of a citizen of the Russian Federation is restricted for reasons specified under Subitems (1 and 2) of Article 15 hereof, his passport shall be transferred for safe-keeping until the expiration of the term of the temporary restriction, to the state body that issued the passport.

In case the exit from the Russian Federation of a citizen of the Russian Federation is restricted for reasons specified under Subitems ( 3 through 5) of Article 15 hereof, his passport shall be withdrawn by the bodies authorized to do so, and delivered to the state body that issued the passport.

The withdrawal of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for reasons specified hereunder shall be effected either by a court of law, bodies of the procurator's office, internal security organs, the border guard agencies of the Federal Security Service, customs bodies, or diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation.

Article 19. Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as well as of the federal bodies of executive power where they conduct their military service, except for persons who are undergoing military service by conscription, may exit from the Russian Federation provided they have the permission of their commanding officers, obtained according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 20 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 20. An under-age citizen of the Russian Federation shall as a rule exit from the Russian Federation together with at least one of his parents, adopted parents, trustees, or guardians. In the event an under-age citizen of the Russian Federation exits from the Russian Federation without these accompanying persons, he shall have with him besides a passport also the consent of said persons, duly notarized, to the exit of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation including the indication of the term of exit and the state (s) he/she is going to visit.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 reworded Article 21 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 21. If one of the parents, step-parents, tutors or guardians declares his/her opposition to the exit of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation out of the Russian Federation the issue of the possibility of the citizen's exit from the Russian Federation shall be resolved in court.

The procedure for filing an application stating opposition to exit from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 22. The responsibility for the life and health of under-age citizens of the Russian Federation who exit from the Russian Federation, and the protection of their rights and lawful interests outside the bounds of the Russian Federation shall be entrusted to their parents, adopted parents, trustees, and guardians.

Whenever there is an organized exit of groups of under-age citizens of the Russian Federation without accompanying parents, adopted parents, trustees, or guardians, the responsibility of the lawful representatives of the under-age children shall be assumed by the heads of the exiting groups.

Article 23. A citizen of the Russian Federation, recognized by a court of law as incompetent at the application of the parents, adopted parents, trustees, or guardians may exit from the Russian Federation only if accompanied by an adult capable of ensuring the security of the incompetent citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as the security of people around him.

Chapter IV. Procedure for Making out and Issuing Documents for the Entry into the Russian Federation and Exit from the Russian Federation of Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 24 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 24. Foreign citizens may enter and exit from the Russian Federation provided they have a visa issued on the basis of valid documents of identification that are recognized as such by the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Persons without citizenship may enter and exit from the Russian Federation provided they have a visa issued on the basis of valid documents issued by the corresponding bodies of the state of their residence, that serve as their identification papers and that are recognized as such by the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Foreign citizens who have obtained a permit for residence in the Russian Federation shall enter the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation under effective documents whereby their person is identified which are recognised by the Russian Federation as personal identity documents and under a residence permit.

Stateless persons who have obtained a permit for residence in the Russian Federation shall enter the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation under the residence permit.

Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship may be refused entry into and exit from the Russian Federation for the reasons specified hereunder.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons deemed refugees in the territory of the Russian Federation under the procedure established by federal law may exit from the Russian Federation and enter the Russian Federation under a refugee's travel document.

Foreign citizens and the stateless persons in respect of whom a decision of administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation or of deportation is adopted shall exit from the Russian Federation under this decision.

See Instructions for Organizing the Activity of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and of the Federal Migration Service on the Deportation or on the Administrative Expulsion Beyond the Borders of the Russian Federation of a Foreign Citizen or of a Stateless Person, endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 533 of August 26, 2004.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 reworded Article 25 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 25. Below are the grounds for the issuance of a visa to a foreign citizen:

1) an invitation to enter the Russian Federation drawn up in compliance with federal law in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

See Regulations on the Making Out an Invitation to the Russian Federation for Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of October 1, 1998

The invitation for entry in the Russian Federation shall be issued by the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs on a petition of:

See the Rules for the Execution of Invitations to Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons to Enter the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 1833 of February 12, 2004

a) federal governmental bodies;

b) the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of foreign states in the Russian Federation;

c) international organisations and their representative offices in the Russian Federation and also the representative offices of foreign states with the international organisations located in the Russian Federation;

d) the governmental bodies of Russian regions.

The invitation for entry into the Russian Federation shall be issued by the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs in the cases established by federal law.

The invitation for entry into the Russian Federation shall be issued by a territorial body of the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs on a petition of:

a) local government bodies;

b) the legal persons placed on record on a notification basis with the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof;

c) citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation;

2) a decision adopted by the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs, a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of the Russian Federation or a representative office of the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs located within a border area, in particular, at a check-point at the State Border of the Russian Federation on a petition filed by the foreign citizen outside the Russian Federation in connection a need to enter in the Russian Federation for emergency medical treatment or due to a grave illness or the death of a close relative;

3) a decision of the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs to issue a visa to the foreign citizen forwarded to a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of the Russian Federation;

4) a decision by the head of a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to the foreign citizen taken in exceptional cases on the foreign citizen's application in writing;

5) a decision of a territorial body of the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs to issue a permit for temporary residence in the Russian Federation to the foreign citizen;

6) a contract for the provision of tourist services and a confirmation of reception of the foreign tourist by an organisation pursuing tourist activity;

7) a decision of the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof to recognise the foreign citizen or stateless person as a refugee taken on an application filed by the foreign citizen or stateless person with a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 supplemented Chapter IV of this Federal Law with Articles 25.1 - 25.10. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 25.1. Depending on the purpose of entry of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation and the purpose of his/her stay in the Russian Federation a visa shall be issued to the foreign citizen which may be diplomatic, service, ordinary, transit or a visa of a person with temporary residence.

A "visa" is a permit issued by an authorised state body for entry into the Russian Federation and transit travel via the territory of the Russian Federation under an effective personal identity document of the foreign citizen or the stateless person that is recognised as a personal identity document by the Russian Federation.

The visa shall contain the following details: the family name, forename (written in Russian and Latin letters), date of birth, sex, citizenship (allegiance), the number of the basic personal identity document of the foreign citizen or stateless person, the date of issue of the visa, the permitted duration of stay in the Russian Federation, the number of the invitation to enter the Russian Federation or the permit of the state body, the effective term of the visa, the purpose of the trip, the details of the inviting organisation (the inviting natural person), the number of entries the visa may be used for.

The visa shall be issued by a diplomatic mission, consular institution of the Russian Federation, the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs, its representative office in the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, at a check-point on the State Border of the Russian Federation and also by the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof.

The format of the visa, the procedure and terms for drawing up and issuing the visa, extending the effective term of the visa, restoring the visa if it is lost and the visa annulment procedure shall be established in compliance with the present Federal Law by the Government of the Russian Federation.

See Regulations on the establishment of visa form, procedure and terms of visa execution and issuance, extension of visa effective period, visa restoration in case of loss and also procedure for visa cancellation, approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 335 of June 9, 2003

Article 25.2. The visa may be single, double and multiple entry. A single-entry visa confers the right on a foreign citizen to cross the State Border of the Russian Federation once at the entry into the Russian Federation and once at the exit of the Russian Federation.

A double-entry visa confers a right on a foreign citizen to twice enter the Russian Federation.

A multiple-entry visa confers a right on a foreign citizen to enter the Russian Federation several times (more than once).

Article 25.3. The effective term of a visa may be extended during the foreign citizen's stay in the Russian Federation by:

1) the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof on an application in writing filed by the foreign citizen or on a petition in writing filed by a governmental body, local government body or a legal person;

2) the federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs on an application in writing filed by a foreign relations (foreign affairs) body of a foreign state, a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of a foreign state in the Russian Federation or a representative office of an international organisation in the Russian Federation (a verbal note);

3) a representative office of a federal executive governmental body in charge of foreign affairs located within a border area, in particular, at a check-point at the State Border of the Russian Federation, on an application in writing filed by the foreign citizen or on a petition in writing filed by a governmental body, local government body or a legal person or on an application in writing filed by a diplomatic mission or a consular institution of a foreign state in the Russian Federation or a representative office of an international organisation in the Russian Federation (a verbal note);

4) border control bodies under a federal law.

Article 25.4. A diplomatic visa shall be issued to a foreign citizen holding a diplomatic passport.

Ahe diplomatic visa shall be issued to:

1) heads of foreign states, heads of the governments of foreign states, members of foreign official delegations, the members of the families of the said persons who travel with them and the persons who accompany them for a term of up to three months;

2) the diplomatic agents of diplomatic missions and the consular officials of consular institutions, the employees of the representative offices of international organisations in the Russian Federation whose diplomatic status is recognised by the Russian Federation, members of the families of said persons, for a term of up to three months;

3) foreign diplomatic and consular couriers for the term of their business trip.

If in respect of a foreign citizen who is not a holder of a diplomatic passport the Russian Federation recognises their diplomatic status a diplomatic visa may be issued to the said citizen.

If in respect of a foreign citizen who is a holder of a diplomatic passport the Russian Federation does not recognise their diplomatic status an ordinary visa shall be issued to the said citizen.

Article 25.5. A service visa shall be issued to a foreign citizen who is a holder of a service passport. A service visa shall be issued to:

1) the members of official foreign delegations, members of the families of said persons who travel together with them and to the persons accompanying them, for a term of up to three months;

2) the administrative-technical and service personnel of diplomatic missions, consular employees and the service personnel employees of consular institutions of foreign states in the Russian Federation, the representative offices of international organisations in the Russian Federation and members of the families of said persons, for a term of up to three months;

3) military servicemen of the armed forces of foreign states and members of the families of the said persons, for a term of up to one year.

If in respect of a foreign citizen who is not a holder of a service passport the Russian Federation recognises their official status a service visa may be issued to the said citizen.

If in respect of a foreign citizen who is a holder of a service passport the Russian Federation does not recognise their official status an ordinary visa may be issued to the said citizen.

Article 25.6. Depending on the purpose of entry of a foreign citizen into the Russian Federation and the purpose of his/her stay in the Russian Federation ordinary visas are classified under the following categories: private, business, tourist, student, working, humanitarian and visas for entry into the Russian Federation for the purpose of asylum.

The private ordinary visa shall be issued for a term of up to three months to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation for a guest visit under an invitation for entry in the Russian Federation drawn up on a petition of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen who has obtained a permit for residence in the Russian Federation or a legal person.

An ordinary business visa shall be issued for a term of up to one year to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation for the purpose of a business trip.

An ordinary tourist visa shall be issued for a term of up to one month to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation as a tourist if s/he has an appropriately executed contract for the provision of tourist services and a confirmation of reception from an organisation pursuing tourist activity.

An ordinary tourist group visa shall be issued for a term of up to one month to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation as a tourist as part of an organised tourist group (of at least five persons) if there is an appropriately executed contract for the provision of tourist services and a confirmation of reception from an organisation pursuing tourist activity.

An ordinary student visa shall be issued for a term of up to one year to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation for the purpose of education at an educational institution.

An working ordinary visa shall be issued to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation for the purpose of pursuing work activity, for the duration of the effective term of the labour contract but not exceeding one year.

An ordinary humanitarian visa shall be issued for a term of up to one year to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation for the purpose of pursuing scientific or cultural or public political or sport or religious relations and contacts or pilgrimage or charitable activity or the delivery of humanitarian aid.

An ordinary visa for entry into the Russian Federation for the purpose of asylum shall be issued to a foreign citizen for a term of up to three months if there is a permit of the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs to deem this foreign citizen a refugee in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 25.7. A transit visa shall be issued for a term of up to ten days to a foreign citizen for the purpose of transit travel via the territory of the Russian Federation under the present Federal Law.

Article 25.8. The visa of a person with temporary residence shall be issued for a four-month term to a foreign citizen to whom entry into the Russian Federation is permitted for temporary residence within the quota for temporary residence permits, this quota being set in compliance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or with no regard to the quota. If a foreign citizen fails to enter the Russian Federation within the term set but if the grounds for his/her obtaining such a visa still exist a new visa of a person with temporary residence may be issued to the foreign citizen on his/her application in writing with the effective term of two months after the date of issue thereof.

If no permit for temporary residence of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation has been obtained due to reasons beyond the control of the foreign citizen the effective term of the visa of a person with temporary residence shall be extended at his/her application.

When a foreign citizen obtains a permit for temporary residence in the Russian Federation a territorial body of the federal body in charge of internal affairs shall extend the effective term of the visa of a person with temporary residence for the duration of the effective term of said permit.

Article 25.9. When a foreign citizen or a stateless person enters the Russian Federation s/he shall receive and fill in a migration card. The migration card shall be surrendered (returned) at the checkpoint at the State Border of the Russian Federation when the foreign citizen or the stateless person exits from the Russian Federation.

The format of the migration card, the procedure for using the card and the procedure for financing the measures for supplying migration card forms shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Government Decision No. 413 of August 16, 2004 approved the Rules for the Use of the Migration Card and the Form of the Migration Card, which shall be put in effect since January 1, 2005

See Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1549-r of November 9, 2002

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation No. 1095/16531/143/49/1189/692 of November 11, 2002 approved the Form of Migration Card and the Regulations on the Migration Card

Article 25.10. A foreign citizen or a stateless person who enters in the territory of the Russian Federation in breach of the established rules or who lacks documents to confirm his/her right to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation or who has lost such documents and has not filed an application concerning this fact with a territorial body of the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs or who declines to leave the Russian Federation upon the expiry of the term of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation, and equally, who violated the rules of transit travel via the territory of the Russian Federation shall be deemed a person illegally staying in the territory of the Russian Federation and shall be liable under Russian law.

Natural and legal persons who assist a foreign citizen's or stateless person's illegal entry into the Russian Federation, illegal departure from the Russian Federation, illegal transit travel via the territory of the Russian Federation and illegal stay (residence) in the Russian Federation, and also the transport or other organisations performing international carriage that have delivered into the Russian Federation a foreign citizen or a stateless person who holds inappropriately drawn up documents or who lack established documents to entitle them to enter in the Russian Federation shall be held liable under Russian law.

In respect of a foreign citizen or a stateless person who illegally stays in the territory of the Russian Federation or a person who has not been permitted to enter the Russian Federation and also cases when the stay (residence) of a foreign citizen or stateless person who stays in the Russian Federation on a legal ground creates a real threat to the defensive capability or to the security of the state or public order or the health of the general public a decision may be made for the purpose of protecting the fundamentals of the constitutional system, morals, the rights and legal interests of other persons to declare that this foreign citizen's or stateless person's stay (residence) in the Russian Federation is undesirable. The procedure for adopting a decision on the undesirability of a foreign citizen's or stateless person's stay (residence) in the Russian Federation and a list of the federal executive persons authorised to make such decisions shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

See also Instructions on Organising the Activity of the Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and of the Federal Migration Service of Taking a Decision on the Undesirability of a Foreign Citizen's or a Stateless Person's Stay (Residence) in the Russian Federation, endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 510 of August 17, 2004

A foreign citizen or stateless person in respect of whom a decision has been made to declare his/her stay (residence) in the Russian Federation undesirable must leave the Russian Federation in the manner established by federal law.

A foreign citizen or stateless person who fails to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within the set term shall be subject to deportation. The deportation of a foreign citizen or stateless person in respect of whom a decision has been adopted declaring his/her stay (residence) in the Russian Federation undesirable shall be effected by the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof.

A decision whereby a foreign citizen's or stateless person's stay (residence) in the Russian Federations is declared undesirable shall be deemed a ground for a later refusal to grant a right of entry into the Russian Federation.

Chapter V. Entry into and Exit from the Russian Federation by Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 supplemented Chapter IV of this Federal Law with Article 25.11. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 25.11. Foreign citizens staying as passengers on board cruising vessels which have permits for passenger carriage and arrive in the Russian Federation via the sea and river ports open for international passenger traffic may stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for 72 hours without visas in compliance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 reworded Article 26 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 26. A foreign citizen or a stateless person may be refused permission to enter the Russian Federation if the foreign citizen or the stateless person:

1) has violated the rules of crossing the State Border of the Russian Federation, customs rules, sanitary regulations at a checkpoint on the State Border of the Russian Federation - until the irregularity has been eliminated;

2) has used fake documents or has provided deliberately false information on himself/herself or on the purpose of his/her stay in the Russian Federation;

3) has an unremoved or unexpunged conviction of a deliberate crime committed in the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad which is deemed such a crime under federal law;

4) has been held accountable under the administrative law in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation two or more times in three years for an administrative offence in the territory of the Russian Federation;

5) did not surrender his/her migration card during his/her previous stay in the Russian Federation at the time of exit from the Russian Federation;

6) during his/her previous stay in the Russian Federation evaded a tax or an administrative fine or did not compensate for expenses relating to an administrative expulsion from the territory of the Russian Federation or a deportation - until such time as the appropriate payment is made in full.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 reworded Article 27 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 27. A foreign citizen or a stateless person shall be refused a permission to enter in the Russian Federation if:

1) this is necessary for the purpose of ensuring the defensive capability or security of the state or public order or protecting the health of the general public;

2) during his/her previous stay in the Russian Federation the foreign citizen or stateless person was subjected to administrative expulsion from the territory of the Russian Federation or deportation - for five years after the date of the administrative expulsion out of the Russian Federation or the deportation;

3) the foreign citizen or the stateless person has an unremoved or unexpunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed in the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad, which is deemed such a crime under federal law;

4) the foreign citizen or the stateless person did not file the documents required for the purposes of visa processing under the legislation of the Russian Federation - until they are filed;

5) the foreign citizen or the stateless person did not present a medical insurance policy effective in the territory of the Russian Federation - until the time it is presented, except for (on the basis of reciprocity) for the personnel of diplomatic missions and consular institutions of foreign states, the personnel of international organisations, members of the families of said persons and other categories of foreign citizens;

6) while applying for a visa at a check-point on the State Border of the Russian Federation the foreign citizen or the stateless person could not confirm that s/he has funds for living in the territory of the Russian Federation and subsequently leaving the Russian Federation or present guarantees in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation that such funds would be provided to him/her;

See the Regulations on the Confirmation by a Foreign Citizen or a Stateless Person of the Existence of Funds for Residence on the Territory of the Russian Federation and Departure from the Russian Federation or the Presentation of a Guarantee of the Provision of Such Funds in the Application for a Visa or at a Checkpoint on the State Border of the Russian Federation, approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 241 of April 24, 2003

See the Regulations for Granting Guarantees for the Material, Medical and Housing Provision of Foreign Citizens and of Stateless Persons for the Period of Their Stay in the Russian Federation, approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 167 of March 23, 2003

7) a decision has been adopted in respect of the foreign citizen or the stateless person to deem his/her stay (residence) in the Russian Federation undesirable.

If a foreign citizen's or stateless person's entry into the Russian Federation has been subjected to restrictions on the grounds set out in Subitems 2 and 5 of Part 1 of the present article the border control bodies and the federal executive governmental body in charge of internal affairs or a territorial body thereof in the cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation shall enter an appropriate annotation in the foreign citizen's or stateless person's personal identity document.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 amended Article 28 of this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Article 28. Exit from the Russian Federation by foreign citizens or persons without citizenship may be restricted in the following cases:

1) if they have been detained pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation on suspicion of committing an offence, or prosecuted as defendants - until a judgement on the case is pronounced or until a court verdict has taken effect;

2) if they have been convicted for committing an offence in the territory of the Russian Federation - until the completion of the term of punishment (or the enforcement of punishment), or until the relief from punishment;

3) if they evade performing duties imposed on them by a court of law - until they have performed the duties or until the parties have reached an agreement;

4) they failed to perform the duties of paying taxes as envisaged under the laws of the Russian Federation - until they have fulfilled the said duties;

5) have been held accountable under administrative law in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the committal of an administrative offence in the territory of the Russian Federation - until the execution of the punishment or until relief from the punishment.

Chapter VI. Procedure for Transit Passage by Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship Through the Territory of the Russian Federation

Article 29. Transit passage through the territory of the Russian Federation shall as a rule be effected without the right of making a stop-off.

Federal Law No. 118-fz of June 24, 1999 introduced amendments to part two of Article 29 of the present law

Transit passage through the territory of the Russian Federation by foreign citizens and persons without citizenship into a state of destination, by any and all transport, shall be allowed provided they produce a Russian transit visa or a visa of entry into a state contiguous to the Russian Federation on the route of their travel, or a visa of a state of destination and travelling tickets valid for exit from the Russian Federation, or a verified guarantee of acquisition thereof at the point of change-over in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 supplemented Article 29 of this Federal Law with part 3. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

A foreign citizen shall not need a transit visa in the case of his/her transit travelling non-stop via the territory of the Russian Federation on the transport route sections listed in the list and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 30. A visa with the right to make a stop-off in the territory of the Russian Federation may be issued to foreign citizens or persons without citizenship provided they submit a well-motivated request and documents confirming the necessity of such a stop-off, unless otherwise stipulated by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Article 31. Transit passage through the territory of the Russian Federation in the absence of a visa shall be permitted to a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the following cases, viz.:

1) if they make a through-flight by air through the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) if they travel on board an airplane of an international airline and make a change-over at an airport in the territory of the Russian Federation and are in possession of duly executed documents for the right of entry into a state of destination and an air-ticket with a verified date of departure from an airport of change-over in the territory of the Russian Federation, which is to be within twenty-four hours from the moment of their arrival, except for in cases of a forced stopover;

3) if they reside in the territory of a state with which the Russian Federation has a corresponding international treaty.

Article 32. A forced stop-off shall be recognized as a stay of over twenty-four hours within the limits of a populated locality due to the occurrence of the following circumstances:

1) such natural calamities as may delay service by trains, motor transport, vessels, or airplanes;

2) the necessity to make repairs to a certain transport vehicle damaged as a result of the failure of any parts thereof, or as a result of a transport accident;

3) a disease, if further travel of a sick person according to a doctor's opinion may endanger his life and health;

4) unforseen delays when changing from one transport to another at the point of change-over.

In case of an enforced stop-off, the registration of the stay in the territory of the Russian Federation and extension of the term of the transit Russian visa shall be carried out by an internal security organ at the place of such forced stop-off at the request of foreign citizens or persons without citizenship.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 excluded Chapter VII from this Federal Law. The amendments shall come into force upon the expiry of three months after the official publication of the said Federal Law

Chapter VII. Responsibilities of Officials, Citizens of the Russian Federation, Foreign Citizens, and Persons without Citizenship

Article 33. Upon any infringement of this Federal Law, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and persons without citizenship shall bear responsibility as is envisaged by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Article 34. In the event a state body or an official has infringed the procedure of execution of documents for the entry into the Russian Federation and (or) the exit from the Russian Federation as is provided for under this Federal Law, a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, or person without citizenship shall have the right to apply for the protection of their interests to a court of law, following the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Article 35. Officials who may be at fault for the infringement of rights of entry into the Russian Federation and (or) exit from the Russian Federation of a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, or person without citizenship shall bear material and other responsibility for any damage inflicted on said persons through their decisions or actions (inactions), in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Chapter VIII. Final Provisions

Article 36. This Federal Law shall take effect as soon as it is officially published.

Article 37. We declare as from the effective date of this Federal Law:

1) as null and void:

Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation On the Coming into Effect within the Territory of the Russian Federation of the USSR of the Law On the Procedure of Exit from the USSR and Entry into the USSR of Citizens of the USSR of December 22, 1992 (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No.1, 1993, item 19);

Article 37 of the Federal Law On the Status of a Deputy of the Federation Council and the Status of a Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Collected legislation of the Russian Federation No.2, 1994, item 74);

2) as invalid within the territory of the Russian Federation the following legislative acts of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, viz.:

Law of the USSR On the Procedure of Exit from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Entry into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Citizens of the USSR of May 20, 1991 (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No.24,1991,article 687);

Items 1 through 5 of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On the Bringing into Force of the Law of the USSR On the Procedure of Exit from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Entry into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Citizens of the USSR of May 20, 1991 (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and the USSR No.24, 1991, article 688);

Chapter III on the Entry into the USSR and Exit from the USSR of Foreign Citizens of the Law of the USSR On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the USSR of June 24, 1981 (Vedomosti of the USSR Supreme Soviet No.26, 1981, article 836).

Article 38. Organizations that have at their disposal data of special significance or strictly confidential data classified as state secrets shall within six months from the effective date of this Federal Law make with their workers, both with those who have earlier received access to said data and those being admitted thereto anew, employment agreements (contracts) in compliance with Subitem (1) of Article 15 hereof.

Article 39. It is envisaged hereby that within six months from the effective date of this Federal Law, there shall remain in force the prevailing procedure of exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for making out and issuing documents for the exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and persons without citizenship, as well as that of the division of powers of state bodies in charge of the execution and issue of said documents, as concerns such part thereof as may not run counter to this Federal Law.

Article 40. We propose that the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation bring their legal acts into accordance with this Federal Law within three months of its effective date.

President of the Russian Federation

Boris Yeltsin

Moscow, the Kremlin

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