Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1994, as amended 2007) (excerpts Hate Crimes) (English)



Established by the law of the RU of 22.09.94 N 2012-XII

Entry in force on 1st April 1995

In the code, amendments are introduced in accordance with the laws..., by article 1 of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 24.09.2007,
N ZRU-115


Article 156. Excitation of the national, racial, ethnic or religious hostility

Production, storage for the purpose of distribution or distribution of the materials, which propagandize national, racial, ethnic, or religious hostility, committed after the application of the administrative penalty for the same acts, are punished by a penalty of six-hundred minimum salaries, or by corrective labor for up to three years, or by the deprivation of freedom for up to three years.

Intentional actions, which degrade national honor and merit, the insult of feelings of citizens in connection with their religious or atheistic persuasion, committed with the purpose of incitation of hostility, intolerance or dissension directed to population groups based on national, racial, ethnic or religious signs, as well as direct or indirect limitation of rights or the establishment of direct or indirect advantages on the grounds of their national, racial, ethnic affiliation or religious affiliation –

Are punished by the deprivation of freedom for five years.

Acts, provided by the first or second part of the present article, committed:

a) with methods dangerous for the life of others;

b) with causing heavy bodily damage;

c) with forced displacement of citizens from their place of residence;

d) by a responsible official;

e) on the preliminary agreement by a group, -

Are punished by the deprivation of freedom from five to ten years.

Article 216-1. Declination to the participation in the activity of illegal public associations and religious organizations

(amended by p.5 division VII of the law RU N 772-I of 15.04.99)

Declination to participate in illegal activities of public associations and religious organizations, movements, sects in the republic of Uzbekistan, after the application of the administrative penalty for the same actions –

(in the edition of p. 5 division  VII  of the law of the RU N 772-I of 15.04.99)

Is punished with a penalty from twenty-five to fifty minimum salaries, or corrective labor for three years, or arrest for six months, or the deprivation of freedom for three years.

Art. 216-1 is introduced by the law N 621-I of 1.05.98.


Article 244-1. Production or distribution of materials, which pose threat to public safety and social order

Production or storage for the purpose of distribution of the materials, which contain ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fundamentalism, calls towards pogroms or the forced displacement of citizens, or directed towards the creation of panic among the population, committed after the application of the administrative penalty for the same actions, -

Is punishes by a penalty from two-hundred to four-hundred minimum salaries, or by corrective labor for three years, or by arrest for six months, or by deprivation of freedom for three years. (Amended by p. 65, division I of the law of Uzbekistan N 254-II of 29.08.2001, p. 5, article 1 of the law of Uzbekistan of 28.12.2005)

Distribution in any form of information and materials, which contain ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fundamentalism, calls towards pogroms or the forced displacement of citizens, or directed towards the creation of panic among the population, as well as use of a religion for purposes of the disturbance of civil consent, distribution of defamatory, destabilizing the situation ideas and the accomplishment of other acts, directed against the established rules of behavior in the society and the public safety,

Is punished with a penalty from two hundred to
four-hundred minimum salaries, or arrest for six months, or deprivation of freedom from three to five years

(Amended by p. 65, division I, law of the Republic of Uzbekistan N 254-II of 29.08.2001, p.5, article 1, law  the Republic of Uzbekistan of 28.12.2005)

Actions, provided by the first or second part of the present article, committed:

a) on the preliminary agreement or by a group;

b) with the use of official position;

c) with the use of financial or other material aid, obtained from religious organizations, and also from foreign states, organizations and citizens,-

Are punished by deprivation of freedoms from five to eight years. (Amended by. 65, division I, law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
N 254-II of 29.08.2001)

Introduced by the law N 621-I of 1.05.98.

Article 244-2 is introduced on the basis of p.7 of the division VII of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan N 772-I of 15.04.99.

Article 244-2. Creation, management, participation in religious extremist, separatist, fundamentalist or other forbidden organizations

Creation, management, participation in religious extremist, separatism, fundamentalist or other forbidden organizations –

Is punished with deprivation of freedom from five to fifteen years (Amended by  p. 65, division I, law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
N 254-II of 29.08.2001).

The same actions, which entailed heavy consequences,-

Are punished with the deprivation of freedom from fifteen to twenty years. (Amended by n. 65, division I, law of the Republic of Uzbekistan N 254-II of 29.08.2001).

A person is freed from the responsibility for the crime, provided by the part of the first present article, if s/he voluntarily reported the existence of forbidden organizations and contributed to solving the crime.


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