Constitution of the Federal Republic of Austria (1920, as amended up to 2016) (excerpts related to Freedom of Religion or Belief) (English)

Federal Constitution


Article 7. (1) All nationals are equal before the law. Privileges based upon birth, sex, estate, class or religion are excluded. No one shall be discriminated against because of his disability. The Republic (Federation, provinces and municipalities) commits itself to ensuring the equal treatment of disabled and nondisabled persons in all spheres of everyday life. 


Article 14.

(10) In matters pertaining to the free attendance of schools, and the relationship between school and the churches (religious societies) including religious instruction at school, the National Council, in so far as matters pertaining to universities and tertiary-level education institution are not concerned, can vote federal legislation only in the presence of at least half the members and by a majority of two thirds of the votes cast. The same applies if the principles of para 6a shall be left aside and to the ratification of state treaties negotiated in the matters mentioned before and which fall into the category specified in Art. 50. 


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