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ODIHR Legislative Support

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) supports participating states by reviewing their law-making systems and relevant draft and existing legislation

Law-making Assessments

ODIHR provides, upon request, assessments of the legislative processes within individual participating States. These assessments look at a country’s procedures and mechanisms for preparing, drafting and adopting legislation, as well as for monitoring of its implementation. Both the legislative framework and the actual law-making practice are examined and analyzed, through a combination of desk research and other methods, such as country visits, interviews and surveys.

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Legal Reviews

As part of its wider mandate to assist OSCE participating States in implementing OSCE commitments, ODIHR reviews, upon request, individual pieces of draft and existing legislation to assess their compliance with OSCE commitments and international human rights standards. ODIHR legal reviews also include examples of good practices from other OSCE participating States and provide concrete recommendations for improvement.

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Based on standards established in international commitments, ODIHR also assists participating States, through thematic legislative guidelines, in providing them with practical resources to formulate respective legal frameworks. These Guidelines, some of which are prepared jointly with Council of Europe's European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission), represent a toolkit for policymakers, legislators and civil society, providing guidance in preparing or advocating for human rights-compliant legislation in a specific area

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Requesting Legal Assistance from ODIHR


ODIHR offers access to a variety of its useful resources and tools to support legal reforms in OSCE participating States. These include three types of documents - legal reviews of draft and existing national legislation, assessments of legislative processes within individual participating States and legislative guidelines providing good practice examples in their respective areas of specialization


This assistance is designed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of laws related to the human dimension.

You can find out more from the LSU factsheet:

How to Request Legislative Assistance
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